Sunday, December 27, 2009
The scale doesn't Lie
I'm at my highest weight in the last 4 years- Have I been hire sure have- But I tip the scale at 335 pounds-
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A hero doesn't wait for the right time to lose weight!!
They lose it now-
I got a X-mas card to day from and old classmate, Christoper Nichols. Good kid. But one of the last person in the Belmond Class of 1992 I would have pictured running a marathon but the Boston marathon? HECK NO- Sorry Nichols- But he did just that and in return lost tons of weight and as are class is getting into that old 36 age rage, he looks younger and healthy then most of the kids from that class do now. A hero can come in many shapes, ages and locations. Its easy to consider John Elway or the King of POP a hero- But how about the person next door that helps the whole block with snow removal , or the single mother raising 3 kids and going to school or the former classmate when most are getting bigger and unhealthy they slowed the aging process down . A hero isn't always a person the world know by name. But never more very important.
I got a X-mas card to day from and old classmate, Christoper Nichols. Good kid. But one of the last person in the Belmond Class of 1992 I would have pictured running a marathon but the Boston marathon? HECK NO- Sorry Nichols- But he did just that and in return lost tons of weight and as are class is getting into that old 36 age rage, he looks younger and healthy then most of the kids from that class do now. A hero can come in many shapes, ages and locations. Its easy to consider John Elway or the King of POP a hero- But how about the person next door that helps the whole block with snow removal , or the single mother raising 3 kids and going to school or the former classmate when most are getting bigger and unhealthy they slowed the aging process down . A hero isn't always a person the world know by name. But never more very important.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Blame everything or fix it
Stress- Money-stay at home dad- Wife is a good cook- Its cold- I hurt- Tired-sick- I will next week-
Screw this - I have gained weight again. Note to self, I need to check scale daily- That number helps me say no much better then not looking at a scale-
Screw this - I have gained weight again. Note to self, I need to check scale daily- That number helps me say no much better then not looking at a scale-
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Want to burn 400 calories quickly? Sign up for a Spin class!
Want to burn 400 calories quickly? Sign up for a Spin class!
Spin your way thin with this expert advice!
If you've ever felt this way, you're in luck! OurDecember Master Class is the all-you-need-to-know guide to stepping confidently into Spin class. We got tips from Laurie Cole, a master instructor at SoulCycle, one of New York City's hottest indoor cycling studios [ahem, to the stars]. Cole breaks down everything you need to know to reap the better-body rewards of Spinning.
Here are just a few of Cole's best insider secrets:
*The rule of three: According to Cole, it will take you roughly three sessions to get the hang of Spin--so stick with it!
*You'll get total-body benefits: Think this is a leg workout, only? Think again! Cole says Spinning is a killer abs sculptor, too. By engaging your core while in all three of the positions--she tells her students to envision hooking their bellybutton to their spine--you'll tone your abs and break a serious sweat.
*Bypass saddle soreness: I know what you're thinking: That's gotta hurt. And yes, it does, at least for the first few classes. But to ease ouch, Cole recommends sitting your tush as far back on fattest, most cushioned part of the seat.
Reggie Roby February 22, 2005 dies at 43
Ok, I know you all think the fat man has lost his cookies. Why am I talking about Reggie Roby? On this blog? Well his death in 2005 scared me. For the next year I got back into better shape quit regular pop and started drinking diet. Have the best year of my life for diet and fitness. One of my hero's as a kid was dead. Well this last weekend the Iowa High School Football put Reggie into the Hall of Fame in Iowa. It got me thinking, he died at 43 and the fatman is 36. That is 7 years older then me. Think about it, my son would only be 8 years. I don't want to leave early in life and because I was to fat. Screw that, this is no longer about me be skinny or fitting into some old clothing. Its about maximizing my length on earth.
In the days after Roby's death, former Miami Dolphins head coach Don Shula praised Reggie Roby: "He was an outstanding punter for us and his booming kicks often helped us win the field position battle."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Nothing is better then? and other INFO
A cool raining night to run or walk. To clear your mind and burn some fat. It felt so good to walk tonight. What is keeping me from doing this more then once a week. I could have a blame list! But what does this do? It take away from the real person that has failed, MYSELF. I need to manage my time and get thing together.
I hate Thanksgiving!!
- Why? Soo much food? I gain ten pounds? I hate my family? NO
- I have for over 15 years hated an not eaten on this day. Why? I feel its unfair to party on a day that many Indians were raped and killed- People make fun of me, people have called me stupid and crazy and every year try an change my mind and that is just my family.
Why I Hate Thanksgiving
Posted: Saturday, November 29, 2003
First Genocide, Then Lie About It
With much material contributed by Peter Linebaugh and others whose names have over the years been lost.--MC
The year was 1492. The Taino-Arawak people of the Bahamas discovered Christopher Columbus on their beach.
Historian Howard Zinn tells us how Arawak men and women, naked, tawny, and full of wonder, emerged from their villages onto the island's beaches and swam out to get a closer look at the strange big boat. When Columbus and his sailors came ashore, carrying swords, speaking oddly, the Arawaks ran to greet them, brought them food, water, gifts. Columbus later wrote of this in his log. Here is what he wrote:
"They brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned. They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of sugar cane. They would make fine servants. With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want."
And so the conquest began, and the Thanotocracy -- the regime of death -- was inaugurated on the continent the Indians called "Turtle Island."
You probably already know a good piece of the story: How Columbus's Army took Arawak and Taino people prisoners and insisted that they take him to the source of their gold, which they used in tiny ornaments in their ears. And how, with utter contempt and cruelty, Columbus took many more Indians prisoners and put them aboard the Nina and the Pinta -- the Santa Maria having run aground on the island of Hispañola (today, the Dominican Republic and Haiti). When some refused to be taken prisoner, they were run through with swords and bled to death. Then the Nina and the Pinta set sail for the Azores and Spain. During the long voyage, many of the Indian prisoners died. Here's part of Columbus's report to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain:
"The Indians are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone." Columbus concluded his report by asking for a little help from the King and Queen, and in return he would bring them "as much gold as they need, and as many slaves as they ask."
Columbus returned to the New World -- "new" for Europeans, that is -- with 17 ships and more than 1,200 men. Their aim was clear: Slaves, and gold. They went from island to island in the Caribbean, taking Indians as captives. But word spread ahead of them. By the time they got to Fort Navidad on Haiti, the Taino had risen up and killed all the sailors left behind on the last voyage, after they had roamed the island in gangs raping women and taking children and women as slaves. Columbus later wrote: "Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold." The Indians began fighting back, but were no match for the Spaniard conquerors, even though they greatly outnumbered them. In eight years, Columbus's men murdered more than 100,000 Indians on Haiti alone. Overall, dying as slaves in the mines, or directly murdered, or from diseases brought to the Caribbean by the Spaniards, over 3 million Indian people were murdered between 1494 and 1508.
What Columbus did to the Arawaks of the Bahamas and the Taino of the Caribbean, Cortez did to the Aztecs of Mexico, Pizarro to the Incas of Peru, and the English settlers of Virginia and Massachusetts to the Powhatans and the Pequots. Literally millions of native peoples were slaughtered. And the gold, slaves and other resources were used, in Europe, to spur the growth of the new money economy rising out of feudalism. Karl Marx would later call this "the primitive accumulation of capital." These were the violent beginnings of an intricate system of technology, business, politics and culture that would dominate the world for the next five centuries.
All of this were the preconditions for the first Thanksgiving. In the North American English colonies, the pattern was set early, as Columbus had set it in the islands of the Bahamas. In 1585, before there was any permanent English settlement in Virginia, Richard Grenville landed there with seven ships. The Indians he met were hospitable, but when one of them stole a small silver cup, Grenville sacked and burned the whole Indian village.
The Jamestown colony was established in Virginia in 1607, inside the territory of an Indian confederacy, led by the chief, Powhatan. Powhatan watched the English settle on his people's land, but did not attack. And the English began starving. Some of them ran away and joined the Indians, where they would at least be fed. Indeed, throughout colonial times tens of thousands of indentured servants, prisoners and slaves -- from Wales and Scotland as well as from Africa -- ran away to live in Indian communities, intermarry, and raise their children there.
In the summer of 1610 the governor of Jamestown colony asked Powhatan to return the runaways, who were living fully among the Indians. Powhatan left the choice to those who ran away, and none wanted to go back. The governor of Jamestown then sent soldiers to take revenge. They descended on an Indian community, killed 15 or 16 Indians, burned the houses, cut down the corn growing around the village, took the female leader of the tribe and her children into boats, then ended up throwing the children overboard and shooting out their brains in the water. The female leader was later taken off the boat and stabbed to death.
By 1621, the atrocities committed by the English had grown, and word spread throughout the Indian villages. The Indians fought back, and killed 347 colonists. From then on it was total war. Not able to enslave the Indians the English aristocracy decided to exterminate them.
And then the Pilgrims arrived.
When the Pilgrims came to New England they too were coming not to vacant land but to territory inhabited by tribes of Indians. The story goes that the Pilgrims, who were Christians of the Puritan sect, were fleeing religious persecution in Europe. They had fled England and went to Holland, and from there sailed aboard the Mayflower, where they landed at Plymouth Rock in what is now Massachusetts.
Religious persecution or not, they immediately turned to their religion to rationalize their persecution of others. They appealed to the Bible, Psalms 2:8: "Ask of me, and I shall give thee, the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." To justify their use of force to take the land, they cited Romans 13:2: "Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."
The Puritans lived in uneasy truce with the Pequot Indians, who occupied what is now southern Connecticut and Rhode Island. But they wanted them out of the way; they wanted their land. And they seemed to want to establish their rule firmly over Connecticut settlers in that area.
In 1636 an armed expedition left Boston to attack the Narragansett Indians on Block Island. The English landed and killed some Indians, but the rest hid in the thick forests of the island and the English went from one deserted village to the next, destroying crops. Then they sailed back to the mainland and raided Pequot villages along the coast, destroying crops again.
The English went on setting fire to wigwams of the village. They burned village after village to the ground. As one of the leading theologians of his day, Dr. Cotton Mather put it: "It was supposed that no less than 600 Pequot souls were brought down to hell that day." And Cotton Mather, clutching his bible, spurred the English to slaughter more Indians in the name of Christianity.
Three hundred thousand Indians were murdered in New England over the next few years. It is important to note: The ordinary Englishmen did not want this war and often, very often, refused to fight. Some European intellectuals like Roger Williams spoke out against it. And some erstwhile colonists joined the Indians and even took up arms against the invaders from England. It was the Puritan elite who wanted the war, a war for land, for gold, for power. And, in the end, the Indian population of 10 million that was in North America when Columbus came was reduced to less than one million.
The way the different Indian peoples lived -- communally, consensually, making decisions through tribal councils, each tribe having different sexual/marriage relationships, where many different sexualities were practiced as the norm -- contrasted dramatically with the Puritan's Christian fundamentalist values. For the Puritans, men decided everything, whereas in the Iroquois federation of what is now New York state women chose the men who represented the clans at village and tribal councils; it was the women who were responsible for deciding on whether or not to go to war. The Christian idea of male dominance and female subordination was conspicuously absent in Iroquois society.
There were many other cultural differences: The Iroquois did not use harsh punishment on children. They did not insist on early weaning or early toilet training, but gradually allowed the child to learn to care for themselves. And, they did not believe in ownership of land; they utilized the land, lived on it. The idea of ownership was ridiculous, absurd. The European Christians, on the other hand, in the spirit of the emerging capitalism, wanted to own and control everything -- even children and other human beings. The pastor of the Pilgrim colony, John Robinson, thus advised his parishioners: "And surely there is in all children a stubbornness, and stoutness of mind arising from natural pride, which must, in the first place, be broken and beaten down; that so the foundation of their education being laid in humility and tractableness, other virtues may, in their time, be built thereon." That idea sunk in.
One colonist said that the plague that had destroyed the Patuxet people -- a combination of slavery, murder by the colonists and disease -- was "the Wonderful Preparation of the Lord Jesus Christ by His Providence for His People's Abode in the Western World." The Pilgrims robbed Wampanoag graves for the food that had been buried with the dead for religious reasons. Whenever the Pilgrims realized they were being watched, they shot at the Wampanoags, and scalped them. Scalping had been unknown among Native Americans in New England prior to its introduction by the English, who began the practice by offering the heads of their enemies and later accepted scalps.
"What do you think of Western Civilization?" Mahatma Gandhi was asked in the 1940s. To which Gandhi replied: "Western Civilization? I think it would be a good idea." And so enters "Civilization," the civilization of Christian Europe, a "civilizing force" that couldn't have been more threatened by the beautiful anarchy of the Indians they encountered, and so slaughtered them.
These are the Puritans that the Indians "saved", and whom we celebrate in the holiday, Thanksgiving. Tisquantum, also known as Squanto, a member of the Patuxet Indian nation. Samoset, of the Wabonake Indian nation, which lived in Maine. They went to Puritan villages and, having learned to speak English, brought deer meat and beaver skins for the hungry, cold Pilgrims. Tisquantum stayed with them and helped them survive their first years in their New World. He taught them how to navigate the waters, fish and cultivate corn and other vegetables. He pointed out poisonous plants and showed how other plants could be used as medicines. He also negotiated a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and Massasoit, head chief of the Wampanoags, a treaty that gave the Pilgrims everything and the Indians nothing. And even that treaty was soon broken. All this is celebrated as the First Thanksgiving.
My own feeling? The Indians should have let the Pilgrims die. But they couldn't do that. Their humanity made them assist other human beings in need. And for that beautiful, human, loving connection they -- and those of us who are not Indian as well -- paid a terrible price: The genocide of the original inhabitants of Turtle Island, what is now America.
Let's look at one example of the Puritan values -- which were not, I repeat, the values of the English working class values that we "give thanks for" on this holiday. The example of the Maypole, and Mayday.
In 1517, 25 years after Columbus first landed in the Bahamas, the English working class staged a huge revolt. This was done through the guilds. King Henry VIII brought Lombard bankers from Italy and merchants from France in order to undercut wages, lengthen hours, and break the guilds. This alliance between international finance, national capital and military aristocracy was in the process of merging into the imperialist nation-state.
The young workers of London took their revenge upon the merchants. A secret rumor said the commonality -- the vision of communal society that would counter the rich, the merchants, the industrialists, the nobility and the landowners -- would arise on May Day. The King and Lords got frightened -- householders were armed, a curfew was declared. Two guys didn't hear about the curfew (they missed Dan Rather on t.v.). They were arrested. The shout went out to mobilize, and 700 workers stormed the jails, throwing bricks, hot water, stones. The prisoners were freed. A French capitalist's house was trashed.
Then came the repression: Cannons were fired into the city. Three hundred were imprisoned, soldiers patrolled the streets, and a proclamation was made that no women were allowed to meet together, and that all men should "keep their wives in their houses." The prisoners were brought through the streets tied in ropes. Some were children. Eleven sets of gallows were set up throughout the city. Many were hanged. The authorities showed no mercy, but exhibited extreme cruelty.
Thus the dreaded Thanatocracy, the regime of death, was inaugurated in answer to proletarian riot at the beginning of capitalism. The May Day riots were caused by expropriation (people having been uprooted from their lands they had used for centuries in common), and by exploitation (people had no jobs, as the monarchy imported capital). Working class women organizers and healers who posed an alternative to patriarchal capitalism -- were burned at the stake as witches. Enclosure, conquest, famine, war and plague ravaged the people who, in losing their commons, also lost a place to put their Maypole.
Suddenly, the Maypole became a symbol of rebellion. In 1550 Parliament ordered the destruction of Maypoles (just as, during the Vietnam war, the U.S.-backed junta in Saigon banned the making of all red cloth, as it was being sewn into the blue, yellow and red flags of the National Liberation Front).
In 1664, near the end of the Puritans' war against the Pequot Indians, the Puritans in England abolished May Day altogether. They had defeated the Indians, and they were attempting to defeat the growing proletarian insurgency at home as well.
Although translators of the Bible were burned, its last book, Revelation, became an anti-authoritarian manual useful to those who would turn the Puritan world upside down, such as the Family of Love, the Anabaptists, the Diggers, Levellers, Ranters, and Thomas Morton, the man who in 1626 went to Merry Mount in Quincy Mass, and with his Indian friends put up the first Maypole in America, in contempt of Puritan rule.
The Puritans destroyed it, exiled him, plagued the Indians, and hanged gay people and Quakers. Morton had come over on his own, a boat person, an immigrant. So was Anna Lee, who came over a few years later, the Manchester proletarian who founded the communal living, gender separated Shakers, who praised God in ecstatic dance, and who drove the Puritans up the wall.
The story of the Maypole as a symbol of revolt continued. It crossed cultures and continued through the ages. In the late 1800s, the Sioux began the Ghost Dance in a circle, "with a large pine tree in the center, which was covered with strips of cloth of various colors, eagle feathers, stuffed birds, claws, and horns, all offerings to the Great Spirit." They didn't call it a Maypole and they danced for the unity of all Indians, the return of the dead, and the expulsion of the invaders on a particular day, the 4th of July, but otherwise it might as well have been a Mayday!
Wovoka, a Nevada Paiute, started it. Expropriated, he cut his hair. To buy watermelon he rode boxcars to work in the Oregon hop fields for small wages, exploited. The Puget Sound Indians had a new religion -- they stopped drinking alcohol, became entranced, and danced for five days, jerking twitching, calling for their land back, just like the Shakers! Wovoka took this back to Nevada: "All Indians must dance, everywhere, keep on dancing." Soon they were. Porcupine took the dance across the Rockies to the Sioux. Red Cloud and Sitting Bull advanced the left foot following with the right, hardly lifting the feet from the ground. The Federal Agents banned the Ghost Dance! They claimed it was a cause of the last Sioux outbreak, just as the Puritans had claimed the Maypole had caused the May Day proletarian riots, just as the Shakers were dancing people into communality and out of Puritanism.
On December 29 1890 the Government (with Hotchkiss guns throwing 2 pound explosive shells at 50 a minute -- always developing new weapons!) massacred more than 300 men, women and children at Wounded Knee. As in the Waco holocaust, or the bombing of MOVE in Philadelphia, the State disclaimed responsibility. The Bureau of Ethnology sent out James Mooney to investigate. Amid Janet Reno-like tears, he wrote: "The Indians were responsible for the engagement."
In 1970, the town of Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts held, as it does each year, a Thanksgiving Ceremony given by the townspeople. There are many speeches for the crowds who attend. That year -- the year of Nixon's secret invasion of Cambodia; the year 4 students were massacred at Kent State and 13 wounded for opposing the war; the year they tried to electrocute Black Panthers Bobby Seale and Erica Huggins -- the Massachusetts Department of Commerce asked the Wampanoag Indians to select a speaker to mark the 350th anniversary of the Pilgrims' arrival, and the first Thanksgiving.
Frank James, who is a Wampanoag, was selected. But before he was allowed to speak he was told to show a copy of his speech to the white people in charge of the ceremony. When they saw what he had written, they would not allow him to read it.
First, the genocide. Then, the suppression of all discussion about it.
What do Indian people find to be Thankful for in this America? What does anyone have to be Thankful for in the genocide of the Indians, that this "holyday" commemorates? As we sit with our families on Thanksgiving, taking any opportunity we can to get out of work or off the streets and be in a warm place with people we love, we realize that all the things we have to be thankful for have nothing at all to do with the Pilgrims, nothing at all to do with Amerikan history, and everything to do with the alternative, anarcho-communist lives the Indian peoples led, before they were massacred by the colonists, in the name of privatization of property and the lust for gold and labor.
Yes, I am an American. But I am an American in revolt. I am revolted by the holiday known as Thanksgiving. I have been accused of wanting to go backwards in time, of being against progress. To those charges, I plead guilty. I want to go back in time to when people lived communally, before the colonists' Christian god was brought to these shores to sanctify their terrorism, their slavery, their hatred of children, their oppression of women, their holocausts. But that is impossible. So all I look forward to the utter destruction of the apparatus of death known as Amerika -- not the people, not the beautiful land, but the machinery, the State, the capitalism, the Christianity and all that it stands for. I look forward to a future where I will have children with Amerika, and they will be the new Indians.
Mitchel Cohen is co-editor of "Green Politix", the national newspaper of the Greens/Green Party USA,, and organizes with the NoSpray Coalition and the Brooklyn Greens.
In memorium. Lest we forget. The First Thanksgiving
From the Community Endeavor News, November, 1995, as reprinted in Healing Global Wounds, Fall, 1996
The first official Thanksgiving wasn't a festive gathering of Indians and Pilgrims, but rather a celebration of the massacre of 700 Pequot men, women and children, an anthropologist says. Due to age and illness his voice cracks as he talks about the holiday, but William B. Newell, 84, talks with force as he discusses Thanksgiving. Newell, a Penobscot, has degrees from two universities, and was the former chairman of the anthropology department at the University of Connecticut.
"Thanksgiving Day was first officially proclaimed by the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1637 to commemorate the massacre of 700 men, women and children who were celebrating their annual green corn dance-Thanksgiving Day to them-in their own house," Newell said.
"Gathered in this place of meeting they were attacked by mercenaries and Dutch and English. The Indians were ordered from the building and as they came forth they were shot down. The rest were burned alive in the building," he said.
Newell based his research on studies of Holland Documents and the 13 volume Colonial Documentary History, both thick sets of letters and reports from colonial officials to their superiors and the king in England, and the private papers of Sir William Johnson, British Indian agent for the New York colony for 30 years in the mid-1600s.
"My research is authentic because it is documentary," Newell said. "You can't get anything more accurate than that because it is first hand. It is not hearsay."
Newell said the next 100 Thanksgivings commemorated the killing of the Indians at what is now Groton, Ct. [home of a nuclear submarine base] rather than a celebration with them. He said the image of Indians and Pilgrims sitting around a large table to celebrate Thanksgiving Day was "fictitious" although Indians did share food with the first settlers.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mr. Mom has taken the place of Mr Fatman
I have battle the last few weeks, of getting control of the new position of Mr Mom. This is a job that has been talked about for a few month with my wife. However it took the Daycare C.C.Y.C of Des Moines to let me go. Reason they let me go? Well my son was sick and I need to put the kid in my room before that of my family and son. Son got very sick that weekend and I need to stay home Monday- I was fired by 4pm that same Monday and was never asked if my son was ok. Please keep in mind this daycare like most make the parents of the kids when there sick come pick them up for 24 hours drug free. Does anyone see the BS in this move from this business. The week before my son got sick at Daycare and told the Director that I wouldn't be able to be in the next day as the 24 hour rule applied at his daycare also. "O, don't you have other arrangements for this." I know I have repeated this statement but it still bugs me. I worked free Friday night for C.C.Y.C and was fired Monday.
Now the good news is I have been go go go. Trying to keep up with my so n and to make his so tired he sleeps- Not sure on weight lost as Battier in scale is dead. But now that Mr Mom has gained control, I need to move onto Mr Ebay and Mr Fitness and Mr Network myself into a job- Because the goal is Mr FatMan to be replaced Mr Fit man
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Mr. Mom
I have became a Mr Mom more coming to blog soon. But CCYC my old job, fired me for putting my son 1st.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday 11-1-09
3 wallfles-
20 smarties
2 bowls chill
4 brats
4 cheese roll ups ( cheese and low carb tortilla)
Water- no sugar energizer drink and 5 calories drink mix)
20 smarties
2 bowls chill
4 brats
4 cheese roll ups ( cheese and low carb tortilla)
Water- no sugar energizer drink and 5 calories drink mix)
HotShots ( from Hot pocket)
Calories 600- Fat 20 Carbs- 80
Mixed Nuts-
Calories 814
Total Carbs. 34.8g
Total Fat 70.6g
4 brats
2 waffles
2/3 Philly Cheese
Smarties 10
Calories 25
fat 0
Carbs 6 g
HotShots ( from Hot pocket)
Calories 600- Fat 20 Carbs- 80
Mixed Nuts-
Calories 814
Total Carbs. 34.8g
Total Fat 70.6g
4 brats
2 waffles
2/3 Philly Cheese
Smarties 10
Calories 25
fat 0
Carbs 6 g
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
All Jacked Up The Movie
“ALL JACKED UP” is an angst-driven portrait of four teenagers who discover the truth about their obsessive, addictive, and emotion-fueled eating habits. All this brought on by their parents, schools, and our abusive food system that profits from them with no regard to their well-being.
Melissa, Raquel, Michael and Danny are typical teens with mainstream lifestyles and eating habits. With the help of a curious narrator, they discover what lies beneath their exploitation and how to confront it. Teen emotional and physical conditions are examined by noted experts as the film uncovers an apparent conspiracy that works against the health of an entire generation.
The film’s characters are led on a journey of discovery – they are challenged to recognize their detrimental underlying issues. With the help of experts, and guidance from their peers, they are presented simple solutions to deal with their problems. The teens are challenged to come to grips with their harmful lifestyles and what their unhealthy future holds.
In a climate where media attention is primarily on childhood obesity, Director, Jennifer Mattox looks at the bigger picture – a system that preys upon consumer innocence in the name of profit. The filmmakers make a direct connection between what teens eat and their behavior and emotions. This frank and witty look at what’s really going on inside the bodies, hearts and minds of the teen generation is a wake up call for them to stand up and demand change.
This is what a 6 year old girl thinks I look like-
This was done by a six year old girl from Norwalk Iowa. I wish I had noted the name. But it talks loud about how others see me. Glasses-bald head- whistle and facial hair is what she sees the most. Not my weight- Often times if a kid looks at a person over weight and says your fat this comes from repeating comments from others. Only if we all could have the eyes of a six year old-
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Working Mothers!!
I had my first " This is how a single working mother feels"
My wife bless her hurt makes the money in the family. So if someone has to stay home its me, will working in a daycare for the last 6 plus months there very understanding. In today's world a kid with a fever is home 24 hours fever free and drug free. That is basically two days. However me missing work was questioned because
What the hell, other arrangements- This place of work sends people home every day- But do they think those kids have a second babysitter when sick or a grandparent that isn't retired. The funny part is they said I'm need there so the parents feel and know I will always be there from time a to time b, so basically there kid is most more important then mine? Because they already had parents tell them they want me there every pick-up. Are you joking? For $10 buck and hour and having to deal with two women that act less mature then the 3 year old kids in the room, they want me to also put them before my son.
How do single parents do it?
Question parents- Look around your house right now- IS it clean? Is it as clean as your mother had the house back when you were a kid? Most family that still have both parents are built with two working parents. Me and my wife are in that boat- We have talked about maybe me staying home full time with DJ. However I was thinking If i stayed home we would save money but I would need a babysitter to clean and cook, and my mother did it with three kids.
What does this have to do with fitness? Anyone can lose weight on a show or in a cave, but only someone that works extra hard can in the real world-
My wife bless her hurt makes the money in the family. So if someone has to stay home its me, will working in a daycare for the last 6 plus months there very understanding. In today's world a kid with a fever is home 24 hours fever free and drug free. That is basically two days. However me missing work was questioned because
I should have other arrangements!!
What the hell, other arrangements- This place of work sends people home every day- But do they think those kids have a second babysitter when sick or a grandparent that isn't retired. The funny part is they said I'm need there so the parents feel and know I will always be there from time a to time b, so basically there kid is most more important then mine? Because they already had parents tell them they want me there every pick-up. Are you joking? For $10 buck and hour and having to deal with two women that act less mature then the 3 year old kids in the room, they want me to also put them before my son.
How do single parents do it?
Question parents- Look around your house right now- IS it clean? Is it as clean as your mother had the house back when you were a kid? Most family that still have both parents are built with two working parents. Me and my wife are in that boat- We have talked about maybe me staying home full time with DJ. However I was thinking If i stayed home we would save money but I would need a babysitter to clean and cook, and my mother did it with three kids.
What does this have to do with fitness? Anyone can lose weight on a show or in a cave, but only someone that works extra hard can in the real world-
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Homemade Energy Drink Recipe
Homemade Energy Drink Recipe
homemade-energy-drinkAre you an energy fiend and a DIY fanatic?
Have you dreamed about making a homemade energy drink to your exact preferences and tastes?
Well, hopefully this article will get you started in the right direction for crafting your perfect homemade drink.
* A caffeine source: anhydrous caffeine powder can also be ordered in bulk, but don’t go overboard!
* Flavorings: Try Capella Flavor Drops as they have many flavorings to choose from.
* Taurine: This can be bought as a powder or a liquid, but the powder is much cheaper.
* B vitamins: I would recommend ordering a liquid B vitamin complex.
* Glucuronolactone: This comes in powder form.
* Herbs: Now this is where you can be creative, but this can also get expensive to purchase the liquid extracts of herbs as you don’t want a salad floating in your homemade energy drink, now do you? Suggestions; Ginseng Liquid and Ginko Biloba Liquid.
* Sweetners: Here you can dissolve table sugar in some hot water or use sucralose or stevia if you want it sugar free.
* Carbonated water: You can just buy this pre-made or try making your own which is explained below.
Homemade Energy Recipe
Now here is the fun part in constructing your taylor made energy drink. Why not use a can of Rockstar or similar as your rough guide, but feel free to experiment with amounts. It would be handy to have a metric food scale on hand to measure out all the ingredients.
Be careful with the caffeine powder and probably to be safe use no more than 200g at a time unless you are a Beverage Cooler Slave. The caffeine has to be dissolved in boiling water, which would be recommended for any powders you are using in your homemade drink.
As for the carbonated water you can make your own easily by using a soda siphon and soda siphon charger cartridges. In the long run this works out cheaper than buying pre-made and you will have a fresh supply each time.
So make a concentrate using a small amount of boiling water, into which, mix in your caffeine, taurine, sugar, flavor etc.. Then add your seltzer water a little at a time until you have a great tasting ratio. You may have to make a few attempts to get your homemade energy drink just right, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right?
Why not share your Homemade Energy Drink formula in the comments below if you think you’ve made a winner. Also if you are a homemade energy drink master, please share any tips below as well.
Disclaimer: We warned you already and if your stupid enough to make a homemade energy drink with a gram of caffeine in it, we’re not responsible for your caffeine side effects!
homemade-energy-drinkAre you an energy fiend and a DIY fanatic?
Have you dreamed about making a homemade energy drink to your exact preferences and tastes?
Well, hopefully this article will get you started in the right direction for crafting your perfect homemade drink.
* A caffeine source: anhydrous caffeine powder can also be ordered in bulk, but don’t go overboard!
* Flavorings: Try Capella Flavor Drops as they have many flavorings to choose from.
* Taurine: This can be bought as a powder or a liquid, but the powder is much cheaper.
* B vitamins: I would recommend ordering a liquid B vitamin complex.
* Glucuronolactone: This comes in powder form.
* Herbs: Now this is where you can be creative, but this can also get expensive to purchase the liquid extracts of herbs as you don’t want a salad floating in your homemade energy drink, now do you? Suggestions; Ginseng Liquid and Ginko Biloba Liquid.
* Sweetners: Here you can dissolve table sugar in some hot water or use sucralose or stevia if you want it sugar free.
* Carbonated water: You can just buy this pre-made or try making your own which is explained below.
Homemade Energy Recipe
Now here is the fun part in constructing your taylor made energy drink. Why not use a can of Rockstar or similar as your rough guide, but feel free to experiment with amounts. It would be handy to have a metric food scale on hand to measure out all the ingredients.
Be careful with the caffeine powder and probably to be safe use no more than 200g at a time unless you are a Beverage Cooler Slave. The caffeine has to be dissolved in boiling water, which would be recommended for any powders you are using in your homemade drink.
As for the carbonated water you can make your own easily by using a soda siphon and soda siphon charger cartridges. In the long run this works out cheaper than buying pre-made and you will have a fresh supply each time.
So make a concentrate using a small amount of boiling water, into which, mix in your caffeine, taurine, sugar, flavor etc.. Then add your seltzer water a little at a time until you have a great tasting ratio. You may have to make a few attempts to get your homemade energy drink just right, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right?
Why not share your Homemade Energy Drink formula in the comments below if you think you’ve made a winner. Also if you are a homemade energy drink master, please share any tips below as well.
Disclaimer: We warned you already and if your stupid enough to make a homemade energy drink with a gram of caffeine in it, we’re not responsible for your caffeine side effects!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Super Snack Recipe
Super Snack Recipe
Below is a quick and easy recipe that comes in handy when you are in a time crunch and need something healthy. Just make a couple of batches of these on the day you set aside to plan, shop and cook most of your meals for the week and you will have a great snack that’s loaded with healthy fats, protein and fiber which is just what you need between meals!
Peanut Butter Crunch Bars
Honey 1 tbspbars
Pure Vanilla Extract 1tsp
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese ½ cup
Cinnamon ½ tsp
Water ¼ cup
All Natural Peanut butter 1 cup
Vanilla Protein Powder 5 scoops
Oat Flour ½ cup
Sliced Almonds ¼ cup
1. Add honey, cinnamon, vanilla, cottage cheese and water in blender and blend till smooth.
2. Put this in mixing bowl with peanut butter and stir, and then add protein powder and stir, and then the oat flour and stir (make oat flour by blending oats into a fine powder). Use a baking pan (9x9 works best) and place plastic wrap 2 times its length over it, leaving the extra wrap hanging over the edge of the pan.
3. Put the mixture in the pan and fold the extra plastic over it and using your hands or spatula, spread mixture evenly.
4. Place almonds evenly on top and chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Cut into four 4x4 or eight 2x2 pieces.
Below is a quick and easy recipe that comes in handy when you are in a time crunch and need something healthy. Just make a couple of batches of these on the day you set aside to plan, shop and cook most of your meals for the week and you will have a great snack that’s loaded with healthy fats, protein and fiber which is just what you need between meals!
Peanut Butter Crunch Bars
Honey 1 tbspbars
Pure Vanilla Extract 1tsp
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese ½ cup
Cinnamon ½ tsp
Water ¼ cup
All Natural Peanut butter 1 cup
Vanilla Protein Powder 5 scoops
Oat Flour ½ cup
Sliced Almonds ¼ cup
1. Add honey, cinnamon, vanilla, cottage cheese and water in blender and blend till smooth.
2. Put this in mixing bowl with peanut butter and stir, and then add protein powder and stir, and then the oat flour and stir (make oat flour by blending oats into a fine powder). Use a baking pan (9x9 works best) and place plastic wrap 2 times its length over it, leaving the extra wrap hanging over the edge of the pan.
3. Put the mixture in the pan and fold the extra plastic over it and using your hands or spatula, spread mixture evenly.
4. Place almonds evenly on top and chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Cut into four 4x4 or eight 2x2 pieces.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Losing weight on a budget.- Plus other blog from the fatman-
I have been eating very good of late. However weight isn't going down, Why?
Eating tons of Peanut Butter sandwich. Quick and help my family cut some money, plus keep me away from fast food. Its not the best option, but its better.
Blog ideas on my mind:
People that are more organized have a better health diet-
Shout up and move-
Are Mothers-
Caving to the food voice-
Red Dippy or White Dippy-
Eating tons of Peanut Butter sandwich. Quick and help my family cut some money, plus keep me away from fast food. Its not the best option, but its better.
Blog ideas on my mind:
People that are more organized have a better health diet-
Shout up and move-
Are Mothers-
Caving to the food voice-
Red Dippy or White Dippy-
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies
Who's the man (the man in the middle) x4
Maybe i'm a target for people that are bitter
At least i can say that i've never been a quitter
I remember high school, man i hated high school
It was like prison with bullies always putting me down
Just a little skater boy they could pick on
I learned to forgive'em, now i got the balls they can lick on
I loved sneakin' out when my mom was asleep
With my gothic girlfriend makin' love in the creek
With the mind of a man in the middle
It could be the end of the world as we know it
Still i never want it all, and i never want it now
I just want to cruise, if i loose then i'll figure it out
How the times flies, even with the blink of an eye
When you're young you absorb like a sponge in disguise
Then you get a little older and gather your thoughts
It's amazing what you learn
When you've never been taught, ya know?
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies
Who's the man (the man in the middle) x4
Maybe i'm a target for people that are bitter
At least i can say that i've never been a quitter
I remember high school, man i hated high school
It was like prison with bullies always putting me down
Just a little skater boy they could pick on
I learned to forgive'em, now i got the balls they can lick on
I loved sneakin' out when my mom was asleep
With my gothic girlfriend makin' love in the creek
With the mind of a man in the middle
It could be the end of the world as we know it
Still i never want it all, and i never want it now
I just want to cruise, if i loose then i'll figure it out
How the times flies, even with the blink of an eye
When you're young you absorb like a sponge in disguise
Then you get a little older and gather your thoughts
It's amazing what you learn
When you've never been taught, ya know?
Minn. city's get-healthy effort called a success
Minn. city's get-healthy effort called a success
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By CHRIS WILLIAMS and PATRICK CONDON, Associated Press Writers Chris Williams And Patrick Condon, Associated Press Writers – Wed Oct 14, 1:58 pm ET
ALBERT LEA, Minn. – Hardware store owner and heart attack survivor Leo Aeikens spent most of his life with a hankering for meat, cheese and ice cream. But an ambitious effort aimed at making his entire southern Minnesota city healthier has Aeikens calling himself a vegan and weighing 25 pounds less in just 10 months.
The 69-year-old's radical lifestyle change came as part of the "Vitality Project," an endeavor spearheaded by adventurer and travel writer Dan Buettner and AARP with major funding from United Health Foundation. Organizers say the project has added several years to the lives of Albert Lea residents through improved diet, exercise and living habits.
With organizers' help, the city crammed five years of sidewalk and bike trail construction into a year to make exercise easier for its 18,000 residents. Restaurants added healthier menu options and grocery stores showcased wholesome foods. People snacked on fruits and veggies and ate less fast food.
Schools stopped celebrating birthdays with sugary treats and started setting up "walking buses" that allowed kids to walk to and from school together with adult supervision. Employers gave workers time to exercise.
Organizers said the first-of-its kind experiment added an average 3.1 years to the expected longevity of participating residents as calculated by something called a "vitality compass," an interactive tool in which participants answered 35 lifestyle questions.
Buettner hatched the idea and oversaw the project after identifying five areas around the world where people tend to live longer and healthier lives, research he documented in a 2008 book, "The Blue Zones."
The key for Albert Lea was getting the community behind a goal that was not just about weight loss, but also about fostering family relationships, a sense of purpose and healthy living habits, Buettner said.
Bob Furland, manager of the city's two ice rinks, said he and his wife used to grab fast food several times a week while shuttling two teenagers to sports and school activities. Now, they plan meals and keep fruits and vegetables around for snacking. They planted a vegetable garden and take regular evening walks together.
"It's funny, once you cut out the bad stuff, you go back to it and it doesn't taste as good anymore," said Furland, 46, who lost about 15 pounds and added three years to his life expectancy, according to his survey.
AARP, a nonprofit organization for people over age 50, supported the project because its members want to live longer and better, said Cathy Ventura-Merkel, senior vice president of publications.
United Health Foundation put up $750,000 and AARP an undisclosed additional sum, Ventura-Merkel said. The money paid for consulting and licensing costs and for experts who worked with residents on things like eating and cooking better, setting up community gardens and walking programs, and publicity.
Mayor Mike Murtaugh said the city had little expense other than some staff time.
The "vitality compass" includes basic questions about gender, age and weight, then covers food choices, exercise frequency, work and relationship happiness, and how many times a person has been angry, depressed or anxious in the previous week. The average gain of 3.1 years was based on participants who answered the questions at both the beginning and end of the experiment. Organizers said 2,300 people answered the questions at the beginning, and about 1,000 of those also did at the end.
Asked about the scientific value of the compass, Ventura-Merkel called it an effective tool.
"It doesn't give you your answers, it doesn't give you anything definitive. It's more directional," she said. "It helps you learn the behaviors that will help you add longevity."
Vitality Project backers call it more than a weight-loss effort. But Melissa Nelson, a food and nutrition professor at the University of Minnesota, said the project offers hope to researchers frustrated by persistent obesity.
"A lot of health professionals are buying into the idea that this is a problem we're going to have to tackle in a lot of different ways," Nelson said. "This idea of a community approach is something a lot of people are really getting excited about."
Outside Lakeview Elementary on Tuesday afternoon, adults shepherded a large group of children headed home in a "walking bus."
Judy Dilling, 60, was escorting her two grandchildren the mile to their house, which didn't happen before the project. Dilling also has joined a group dubbed the "Walkie Talkies" and now walks the mile-and-a-half home from her part-time job instead of driving.
"It's invigorating," she said.
The organized portion of the program drew to a close with a community celebration Tuesday night, but residents were confident they'd formed lasting habits.
"I always thought being meatless would be a horrible way to live," Aeikens said. "But there are oodles of things that are tasty and good, vegetables and fruits that really make up a good diet. I wouldn't go back."
Patrick Condon reported from Minneapolis.
Buzz up!20 votes
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By CHRIS WILLIAMS and PATRICK CONDON, Associated Press Writers Chris Williams And Patrick Condon, Associated Press Writers – Wed Oct 14, 1:58 pm ET
ALBERT LEA, Minn. – Hardware store owner and heart attack survivor Leo Aeikens spent most of his life with a hankering for meat, cheese and ice cream. But an ambitious effort aimed at making his entire southern Minnesota city healthier has Aeikens calling himself a vegan and weighing 25 pounds less in just 10 months.
The 69-year-old's radical lifestyle change came as part of the "Vitality Project," an endeavor spearheaded by adventurer and travel writer Dan Buettner and AARP with major funding from United Health Foundation. Organizers say the project has added several years to the lives of Albert Lea residents through improved diet, exercise and living habits.
With organizers' help, the city crammed five years of sidewalk and bike trail construction into a year to make exercise easier for its 18,000 residents. Restaurants added healthier menu options and grocery stores showcased wholesome foods. People snacked on fruits and veggies and ate less fast food.
Schools stopped celebrating birthdays with sugary treats and started setting up "walking buses" that allowed kids to walk to and from school together with adult supervision. Employers gave workers time to exercise.
Organizers said the first-of-its kind experiment added an average 3.1 years to the expected longevity of participating residents as calculated by something called a "vitality compass," an interactive tool in which participants answered 35 lifestyle questions.
Buettner hatched the idea and oversaw the project after identifying five areas around the world where people tend to live longer and healthier lives, research he documented in a 2008 book, "The Blue Zones."
The key for Albert Lea was getting the community behind a goal that was not just about weight loss, but also about fostering family relationships, a sense of purpose and healthy living habits, Buettner said.
Bob Furland, manager of the city's two ice rinks, said he and his wife used to grab fast food several times a week while shuttling two teenagers to sports and school activities. Now, they plan meals and keep fruits and vegetables around for snacking. They planted a vegetable garden and take regular evening walks together.
"It's funny, once you cut out the bad stuff, you go back to it and it doesn't taste as good anymore," said Furland, 46, who lost about 15 pounds and added three years to his life expectancy, according to his survey.
AARP, a nonprofit organization for people over age 50, supported the project because its members want to live longer and better, said Cathy Ventura-Merkel, senior vice president of publications.
United Health Foundation put up $750,000 and AARP an undisclosed additional sum, Ventura-Merkel said. The money paid for consulting and licensing costs and for experts who worked with residents on things like eating and cooking better, setting up community gardens and walking programs, and publicity.
Mayor Mike Murtaugh said the city had little expense other than some staff time.
The "vitality compass" includes basic questions about gender, age and weight, then covers food choices, exercise frequency, work and relationship happiness, and how many times a person has been angry, depressed or anxious in the previous week. The average gain of 3.1 years was based on participants who answered the questions at both the beginning and end of the experiment. Organizers said 2,300 people answered the questions at the beginning, and about 1,000 of those also did at the end.
Asked about the scientific value of the compass, Ventura-Merkel called it an effective tool.
"It doesn't give you your answers, it doesn't give you anything definitive. It's more directional," she said. "It helps you learn the behaviors that will help you add longevity."
Vitality Project backers call it more than a weight-loss effort. But Melissa Nelson, a food and nutrition professor at the University of Minnesota, said the project offers hope to researchers frustrated by persistent obesity.
"A lot of health professionals are buying into the idea that this is a problem we're going to have to tackle in a lot of different ways," Nelson said. "This idea of a community approach is something a lot of people are really getting excited about."
Outside Lakeview Elementary on Tuesday afternoon, adults shepherded a large group of children headed home in a "walking bus."
Judy Dilling, 60, was escorting her two grandchildren the mile to their house, which didn't happen before the project. Dilling also has joined a group dubbed the "Walkie Talkies" and now walks the mile-and-a-half home from her part-time job instead of driving.
"It's invigorating," she said.
The organized portion of the program drew to a close with a community celebration Tuesday night, but residents were confident they'd formed lasting habits.
"I always thought being meatless would be a horrible way to live," Aeikens said. "But there are oodles of things that are tasty and good, vegetables and fruits that really make up a good diet. I wouldn't go back."
Patrick Condon reported from Minneapolis.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ending 2009 with a F%%%en Bang
Tired of thinking about what will come my way next week. I'm going to SEEK and Destory anything that stops me from my goal.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Its been along time. But it feels so good-
But one night this week- I picked rather then chill on my couch with my hot and sexy wife to go for a walk on a very cold night. I felt great, its funny how the little things can make you feel. Its a great start, I have a nice food chart I hope to post soon. I'm going to keep track on the weekend but consider the week a free pass. If I write an do good during the week.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The fat monster is kicking my azz.
Do you ever watch a football game and here the coach give a great pep talk about how hard this team has worked and how well the coaching staff is ready. This team is faster and in the best shape ever. You say to yourself, wow College A is going to blow out this College B. Then from the start of the opening kick off College A gets beat every second there on the football field. There to slow, they can't catch,run,pass,tackle.kick and the coach looks like one of the fathers at the local YMCA that agreed to coach Johnny in flag football even if he doesn't know what a QB does. But other then that is was a close game.
What the hell does this have to do with me, fitness,fat or life. This is how I have tackled my diet. I have talked the perfect game about how I will tackle USC with my little SouthWest Northern Cedar Falls College and win. I need to look at it again not by the win but the battle. If I lose by 3 in the game of football this could be a win. Rather then getting back to 250 pounds getting to 270 would put me in a much better spot.
Stop talking and start showing me.
What the hell does this have to do with me, fitness,fat or life. This is how I have tackled my diet. I have talked the perfect game about how I will tackle USC with my little SouthWest Northern Cedar Falls College and win. I need to look at it again not by the win but the battle. If I lose by 3 in the game of football this could be a win. Rather then getting back to 250 pounds getting to 270 would put me in a much better spot.
Stop talking and start showing me.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Parts of songs!!!
Song One
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
I break the rules so I don’t care
So I keep doing my own thing Walking tall against the rain Victory’s within the mile Almost there, don’t give up now Only thing that’s on my mind Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Song Two
And to the rest of the world, god gave you the shoes That fit you, so put em on and wear em And be yourself man, be proud of who you are Even if it sounds corny, Don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful..
I don't thing anyone reads this other then my wife. So the person that can name both songs gets a free gift.
The Battle within.
Today with money tight fitness like a- YMCA memberships and diet can be hurt. Its easy to eat fish and chicken when you have extra money. But a poor man's diet is hard core blue collar work. Working in a steal mill or working some of the jobs at the old John Deere foundry would allow you to burn off a few big mac's a day an still lose weight. No fancy diet plan or some hot and fit personal trainer to fix you into shape. The type of work that made America. What is America missing today? OK, that is a long list but good paying blue collar work. I had a job at Eaton in Belmond, Iowa almost 10 years ago for 14 bucks. Now I would kill for that job again, with out the 3rd shift hours. Think about it the lost of those jobs did more then start the cycle of less jobs but the cycle of fat america.
Monday, September 21, 2009
How do we live without internet.
Four whole days with out net. fantasy football league went to hell and I could have been making money on eBay. Can't pay bills, etc.
I'm working on a blog soon.
I'm working on a blog soon.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What to do with my working Life.
I'm 36 years old with a degree in PE Education which I have been told by more then one business that I'm to fat for my degree, and even more didn't say it but there actions spoke louder. I have been away from the blue collar work since John Deere and now working on my second day care company in 7 months. Day-Care has ton of positive but also negative- IS this what I want to do with my life? That is the question I need to answer. I can't even seem to get a simple forklift job any more.
Monday, September 7, 2009
36 years old!!
What is the next step- I need to to start the new chapter. Because my heathy isn't good. I'm so over weight- it hurts. Its a stuggle to live at this weight-
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What is happening?
Life is in a tail spin. I want a job to clock in beat some metal then clock out is that too hard.
Can the Race still be won?
Down by 40 going into the 2nd half and the 18 year old walk-on from a small IOwa town is the only health QB left. What to do. Fold them are fight-
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Losing my Mind-
I got over losing my hair-
Even if I was darn sexy in my prime with hair.
My weight bug me but its my fault-
Even could deal with my back hair, however that has been harder to deal with then losing the hair on my head.
My teeth, now my fault is hard to deal with. People don't understand when I say Pop killed me, My teeth as I write this are falling out of my skull. OMFG
I want to dig a hole and just die.
Even if I was darn sexy in my prime with hair.
My weight bug me but its my fault-
Even could deal with my back hair, however that has been harder to deal with then losing the hair on my head.
My teeth, now my fault is hard to deal with. People don't understand when I say Pop killed me, My teeth as I write this are falling out of my skull. OMFG
I want to dig a hole and just die.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Best and Worst Pizzas in America
By David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding - Posted on Fri, Aug 28, 2009, 1:46 pm PDT
Eat This, Not That by David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding a Yahoo! Health Expert for Nutrition
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The Best and Worst Pizzas in America
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A 2,010-Calorie Shake?!?! (and Other Shocking Drinks to Avoid)
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Somewhere between the brick ovens of Italy and the delivery cars of America something went horribly wrong. The traditional pizza, made with just bread, cheese and tomatoes, is now tricked out with inflated crusts, four-cheese toppings, and a surplus of pepperoni, all of which contribute to its quadrupled caloric count. And man, do we love it. With 69,000 pizza joints scattered across the U.S., it's no wonder that each man, woman and child devours an average of 46 slices a year. That's the equivalent of 23 pounds of pie!
Any way you slice it, we're taking in a lot more fat than our slimmer friends in Italy, where only 9 percent of the population is obese compared to our 34 percent . Their secret: Thin crust, half the formaggio, and extra vegetables. That's why we've included Best and Worst pizzas in our new book: Eat This, Not That! The Best (& Worst!) Foods in America! The following 7 problematic pies are pulled straight from the book: Avoid them at all costs, and see how, with the help of the Eat This, Not That! series, you can lose 10 pounds or more of belly fat--while still eating all of your favorite foods!
7. WORST SEAFOOD PIZZARed Lobster Lobster Pizza720 calories30 g fat (13 g saturated)1,390 mg sodium69 g carbs
It's a cool concept (certainly more appetizing than your grandfather's old anchovies habit), but it makes for a heavy meal that's stuffed with more sodium than you should eat in one sitting. Fare from the sea is one of the best ways to go, but sprinkled over a bed of starchy dough and fatty cheese and you've got a different story altogether. Billed as a starter, this Lobster Pizza is the only pizza on Red Lobster's menu. Luckily it shares space with one of the world's greatest appetizers--shrimp cocktail--and the chain restaurant is among the healthiest chain restaurants in the land, so you'll have no problem finding better options.
Eat This Instead!Chilled Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail120 calories1 g fat (0 g saturated)590 mg sodium9 g carbs
Note: This one simple Eat This, Not That! swap will save you 600 calories. Try this once a day with your other favorite foods and you'll lose more than a pound a week--without dieting!
6. WORST VEGGIE PIZZAPapa John's Pan Crust Garden Fresh Pizza (2 slices)740 calories38 g fat (12 g saturated)1,320 mg sodium78 g carbs
Just because it's topped with veggies doesn't make it healthy. The real problem here isn't the toppings, though; it's the excessively thick, greasy pan crust that sinks this veggie-strewn ship. Two slices of this garden fresh pie will set you back the caloric equivalent of 7 ½ Rice Krispies Treats, and it'll stuff your belly with as much salt as you'll find in nearly 4 large orders of McDonald's French Fries. Save over 300 calories by switching to a larger pie (14") with a thinner crust. Just another example of why crust is king when trying to find a healthy pie. (See other nutrition landmines masquerading as "healthy" meals on our SLIDESHOW: The 30 Worst Foods in America.)
Eat This Instead!Thin Crust Garden Fresh Pizza (2 slices)420 calories22 g fat (5 g saturated)940 mg sodium46 g carbs
5. WORST STUFFED PIZZASbarro Stuffed Pepperoni Pizza960 calories(Sbarro doesn't offer other nutritional information)
Sbarro's individual pizza slices are oversized to begin with, but throw in the stuffed factor and you're looking at this single worst slice of pizza in America--the equivalent of almost 4 pepperoni slices from Pizza Hut. A rule of thumb for ordering pizza in general (and it's especially applicable at Sbarro) is to always choose the thinnest crust possible, and to always avoid any "stuffed" options, which indicate at least double the toppings. Downsize this massive wedge for a Fresh Tomato Pizza--and be sure to limit yourself to just one.
Eat This Instead!Fresh Tomato Pizza450 calories
4. WORST PIZZA LUNCH COMBORomano's Macaroni Grill Sicilian Mio Pizza and Insalata Blu1,010 calories58 g fat (22 g saturated)2,755 mg sodium71 g carbs
Consuming over half your daily calories at lunch is asking for energy trouble in the afternoon (not to mention difficulties with your belt buckle). Macaroni Grill boasts about their perfect sized lunch combos as if super-sized individual pizzas and high-calorie "side" salads are a good thing. Even more disturbing is the fact that recent research found that people tend to underestimate portion sizes when their meals have more variety in them, so you're bound to eat more when you have more pieces to your meal. All the more reason to skip the Mac Grill combo meals and choose a simpler lunch, instead. (But beware: Healthy doesn't come easy at this restaurant, especially with pasta. Canneloni or Pasta Pomodoro are the only two bowls with less than 1,000 calories.)
(Beware the sodium overload on our list of The 20 Saltiest Foods in America 2009.)
Eat This Instead! Chicken Cannelloni Lunch590 calories29 g fat (17 g saturated)1,710 mg sodium41 g carbs
3. WORST CALZONEPizza Hut Meaty P'Zone Pizza1,480 calories66 g fat (30 g saturated, 2 g trans)3,680 mg sodium152 g carbs
The word "calzone" alone should spell trouble, but this Pizza Hut Meaty P'Zone takes bad pizza pockets to a completely different level. The worst part is that Pizza Hut brags about their massive P'Zone like it's something to be proud of: The website reads "Over 1 LB of pizza goodness." Why is it over a pound? Because it's a regular-sized 12" pizza folded over onto itself and stuffed with meat and cheese. There's nothing impressive about eating an entire pizza by yourself.
Eat This Instead!Meat Lover's 12" Pan Pizza (1 slice)330 calories18 g fat (7 g saturated, 0 g trans)820 mg sodium27 g carbs
2. WORST PIZZA APPETIZERUno Chicago Grill Pizza Skins2,400 calories155 g fat (45 g saturated)3,600 mg sodium195 g carbs
How are pizza skins different from an actual pizza? Well, they're not--they just come topped with crumbly processed bacon bits and a big fat dollop of sour cream. The only reason this monstrous dish didn't make it to our number one worst pizza spot is because it's supposed to be an appetizer, which means that some of the damage is mitigated by the fact that multiple people are digging in (or should be, at least). But even if you're traveling with a party of 5, it makes no sense to order what's essentially a family-sized pizza before your meal. To put it in perspective, a medium 12" pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut only racks up 1,840 calories. That's nearly 600 fewer calories than you'll find in this one appetizer! Disgusting. (Related: Appetizers and drinks are both easy ways to ruin a meal. Avoid any item on our SLIDESHOW: The 20 Worst Drinks in America.)
Eat This Instead! Crispy Cheese Dippers840 calories48 g fat (18 g saturated)2,490 mg sodium
1. WORST PIZZA IN AMERICAUno Chicago Grill Chicago Classic Deep Dish Individual Pizza2,310 calories165 g fat (54 g saturated)4,920 mg sodium120 g carbs
This individual pizza has been named Worst Pizza in America three years in a row now, but Uno Chicago Grill doesn't seem to care--all they've done to minimize the epic impact of this monstrous meal is to change the nutrition labels on their website to reflect the calories "per serving," instead of the total calories per dish as a whole. What's revealing about that slight of hand is that it shows that Uno knowingly sells an individual pizza that actually has three servings' worth of calories, fat, sodium, and carbs. This one individual pizza has more calories than you should eat in a day and more than two days' worth of sodium. (That's as much salt as you'll find in 27 small bags of Frito Lays Potato Chips!) The only way to go at Uno is to steer away from the infamous deep dish Chicago-style pizzas and opt for a flatbread pie instead.
Eat This Instead!Cheese and Tomato Flatbread Pizza (1/2 pizza)405 calories16.5 g fat (7.5 g saturated)1,065 mg sodium46 g carbs
Next time you're hankering for a pie, grab a slice from one of these premium pizzas.
BEST VEGGIE PIZZAPizza Hut 12" Fit and Delicious Diced Red Tomato, Mushroom and Jalapeno (2 slices)300 calories16 g fat (7 g saturated)1,220 mg sodium46 g carbs
BEST HAWAIIAN PIZZA Domino's Thin Crust Ham and Pineapple Pizza (2 slices)294 calories14 g fat (5 g saturated)790 mg sodium 30 g carbs
BEST INDIVIDUAL PIZZA Chuck E. Cheese Individual Cheese540 calories19 g fat (8 g saturated)1,255 mg sodium69 g carbs
BEST MEAT-LOVER'S PIZZA Pizza Hut Meat Lover's 12" Pan Pizza (1 slice)330 calories18 g fat (7 g saturated, 0 g trans)820 mg sodium27 g carbs
By David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding - Posted on Fri, Aug 28, 2009, 1:46 pm PDT
Eat This, Not That by David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding a Yahoo! Health Expert for Nutrition
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The Best and Worst Pizzas in America
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Somewhere between the brick ovens of Italy and the delivery cars of America something went horribly wrong. The traditional pizza, made with just bread, cheese and tomatoes, is now tricked out with inflated crusts, four-cheese toppings, and a surplus of pepperoni, all of which contribute to its quadrupled caloric count. And man, do we love it. With 69,000 pizza joints scattered across the U.S., it's no wonder that each man, woman and child devours an average of 46 slices a year. That's the equivalent of 23 pounds of pie!
Any way you slice it, we're taking in a lot more fat than our slimmer friends in Italy, where only 9 percent of the population is obese compared to our 34 percent . Their secret: Thin crust, half the formaggio, and extra vegetables. That's why we've included Best and Worst pizzas in our new book: Eat This, Not That! The Best (& Worst!) Foods in America! The following 7 problematic pies are pulled straight from the book: Avoid them at all costs, and see how, with the help of the Eat This, Not That! series, you can lose 10 pounds or more of belly fat--while still eating all of your favorite foods!
7. WORST SEAFOOD PIZZARed Lobster Lobster Pizza720 calories30 g fat (13 g saturated)1,390 mg sodium69 g carbs
It's a cool concept (certainly more appetizing than your grandfather's old anchovies habit), but it makes for a heavy meal that's stuffed with more sodium than you should eat in one sitting. Fare from the sea is one of the best ways to go, but sprinkled over a bed of starchy dough and fatty cheese and you've got a different story altogether. Billed as a starter, this Lobster Pizza is the only pizza on Red Lobster's menu. Luckily it shares space with one of the world's greatest appetizers--shrimp cocktail--and the chain restaurant is among the healthiest chain restaurants in the land, so you'll have no problem finding better options.
Eat This Instead!Chilled Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail120 calories1 g fat (0 g saturated)590 mg sodium9 g carbs
Note: This one simple Eat This, Not That! swap will save you 600 calories. Try this once a day with your other favorite foods and you'll lose more than a pound a week--without dieting!
6. WORST VEGGIE PIZZAPapa John's Pan Crust Garden Fresh Pizza (2 slices)740 calories38 g fat (12 g saturated)1,320 mg sodium78 g carbs
Just because it's topped with veggies doesn't make it healthy. The real problem here isn't the toppings, though; it's the excessively thick, greasy pan crust that sinks this veggie-strewn ship. Two slices of this garden fresh pie will set you back the caloric equivalent of 7 ½ Rice Krispies Treats, and it'll stuff your belly with as much salt as you'll find in nearly 4 large orders of McDonald's French Fries. Save over 300 calories by switching to a larger pie (14") with a thinner crust. Just another example of why crust is king when trying to find a healthy pie. (See other nutrition landmines masquerading as "healthy" meals on our SLIDESHOW: The 30 Worst Foods in America.)
Eat This Instead!Thin Crust Garden Fresh Pizza (2 slices)420 calories22 g fat (5 g saturated)940 mg sodium46 g carbs
5. WORST STUFFED PIZZASbarro Stuffed Pepperoni Pizza960 calories(Sbarro doesn't offer other nutritional information)
Sbarro's individual pizza slices are oversized to begin with, but throw in the stuffed factor and you're looking at this single worst slice of pizza in America--the equivalent of almost 4 pepperoni slices from Pizza Hut. A rule of thumb for ordering pizza in general (and it's especially applicable at Sbarro) is to always choose the thinnest crust possible, and to always avoid any "stuffed" options, which indicate at least double the toppings. Downsize this massive wedge for a Fresh Tomato Pizza--and be sure to limit yourself to just one.
Eat This Instead!Fresh Tomato Pizza450 calories
4. WORST PIZZA LUNCH COMBORomano's Macaroni Grill Sicilian Mio Pizza and Insalata Blu1,010 calories58 g fat (22 g saturated)2,755 mg sodium71 g carbs
Consuming over half your daily calories at lunch is asking for energy trouble in the afternoon (not to mention difficulties with your belt buckle). Macaroni Grill boasts about their perfect sized lunch combos as if super-sized individual pizzas and high-calorie "side" salads are a good thing. Even more disturbing is the fact that recent research found that people tend to underestimate portion sizes when their meals have more variety in them, so you're bound to eat more when you have more pieces to your meal. All the more reason to skip the Mac Grill combo meals and choose a simpler lunch, instead. (But beware: Healthy doesn't come easy at this restaurant, especially with pasta. Canneloni or Pasta Pomodoro are the only two bowls with less than 1,000 calories.)
(Beware the sodium overload on our list of The 20 Saltiest Foods in America 2009.)
Eat This Instead! Chicken Cannelloni Lunch590 calories29 g fat (17 g saturated)1,710 mg sodium41 g carbs
3. WORST CALZONEPizza Hut Meaty P'Zone Pizza1,480 calories66 g fat (30 g saturated, 2 g trans)3,680 mg sodium152 g carbs
The word "calzone" alone should spell trouble, but this Pizza Hut Meaty P'Zone takes bad pizza pockets to a completely different level. The worst part is that Pizza Hut brags about their massive P'Zone like it's something to be proud of: The website reads "Over 1 LB of pizza goodness." Why is it over a pound? Because it's a regular-sized 12" pizza folded over onto itself and stuffed with meat and cheese. There's nothing impressive about eating an entire pizza by yourself.
Eat This Instead!Meat Lover's 12" Pan Pizza (1 slice)330 calories18 g fat (7 g saturated, 0 g trans)820 mg sodium27 g carbs
2. WORST PIZZA APPETIZERUno Chicago Grill Pizza Skins2,400 calories155 g fat (45 g saturated)3,600 mg sodium195 g carbs
How are pizza skins different from an actual pizza? Well, they're not--they just come topped with crumbly processed bacon bits and a big fat dollop of sour cream. The only reason this monstrous dish didn't make it to our number one worst pizza spot is because it's supposed to be an appetizer, which means that some of the damage is mitigated by the fact that multiple people are digging in (or should be, at least). But even if you're traveling with a party of 5, it makes no sense to order what's essentially a family-sized pizza before your meal. To put it in perspective, a medium 12" pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut only racks up 1,840 calories. That's nearly 600 fewer calories than you'll find in this one appetizer! Disgusting. (Related: Appetizers and drinks are both easy ways to ruin a meal. Avoid any item on our SLIDESHOW: The 20 Worst Drinks in America.)
Eat This Instead! Crispy Cheese Dippers840 calories48 g fat (18 g saturated)2,490 mg sodium
1. WORST PIZZA IN AMERICAUno Chicago Grill Chicago Classic Deep Dish Individual Pizza2,310 calories165 g fat (54 g saturated)4,920 mg sodium120 g carbs
This individual pizza has been named Worst Pizza in America three years in a row now, but Uno Chicago Grill doesn't seem to care--all they've done to minimize the epic impact of this monstrous meal is to change the nutrition labels on their website to reflect the calories "per serving," instead of the total calories per dish as a whole. What's revealing about that slight of hand is that it shows that Uno knowingly sells an individual pizza that actually has three servings' worth of calories, fat, sodium, and carbs. This one individual pizza has more calories than you should eat in a day and more than two days' worth of sodium. (That's as much salt as you'll find in 27 small bags of Frito Lays Potato Chips!) The only way to go at Uno is to steer away from the infamous deep dish Chicago-style pizzas and opt for a flatbread pie instead.
Eat This Instead!Cheese and Tomato Flatbread Pizza (1/2 pizza)405 calories16.5 g fat (7.5 g saturated)1,065 mg sodium46 g carbs
Next time you're hankering for a pie, grab a slice from one of these premium pizzas.
BEST VEGGIE PIZZAPizza Hut 12" Fit and Delicious Diced Red Tomato, Mushroom and Jalapeno (2 slices)300 calories16 g fat (7 g saturated)1,220 mg sodium46 g carbs
BEST HAWAIIAN PIZZA Domino's Thin Crust Ham and Pineapple Pizza (2 slices)294 calories14 g fat (5 g saturated)790 mg sodium 30 g carbs
BEST INDIVIDUAL PIZZA Chuck E. Cheese Individual Cheese540 calories19 g fat (8 g saturated)1,255 mg sodium69 g carbs
BEST MEAT-LOVER'S PIZZA Pizza Hut Meat Lover's 12" Pan Pizza (1 slice)330 calories18 g fat (7 g saturated, 0 g trans)820 mg sodium27 g carbs
I run Like a Girl great web site
And just a side not I don't run like a girl. But I know one of the owners daughter.
And just a side not I don't run like a girl. But I know one of the owners daughter.
Losing my mind
KId pop is a gateway drug say no- Pot my keep you in your mother basement but you will keep your teeth. The good news abput losing my teeth I'm married, the bad news? Well my wife gets a husband with no teeth, I better get skinny quick-
Monday, August 31, 2009
Not doing a good job with food journal
The great idea was to write every day what I eat on the blog and then on the weekend break it down with a cool software program I have. That has failed, diet is like life when you fail stopped and find something that will work. ( I'm not saying stop your diet) If you go low carb and eat pizza 3 times a day, you need to switch the diet. A small 50 cent notebook has always worked the best. Have it with my billfold, so you always have it. Keys,phone money and doet notebook. This help stop me from fastfood the best? I'm not saying it will help you. That is the hard thing about diet everyone is different. Rikkie Lake lost tons of weight the first time doing nothing but drinking diet coke and jello. That worked for her but would it work for you?
Check this out
Check this out
Great deal
Wpmen's fitness magazine are good for both men and women. Cooking tip are great.
Wpmen's fitness magazine are good for both men and women. Cooking tip are great.
So much to write-
Friday night on ESPN I was watching Aplington Parkersburg play football. A town I have never lived in or worked. I love Parkersburg have always had a special place in my heart and I need to get back into coaching. I'm almost 36, I have my degree, wife and son. But I need to be coaching. Its been my calling for years. I have time to build up my coaching resume so I can get into a postion to help DJ in football if he goes down the road.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Quick Little Tweaks to Lose Weight
Quick Little Tweaks to Lose Weight FasterSELF.comBy Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Wed, Aug 12, 2009, 4:45 pm PDT
Happier, Healthier You
by Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief a Yahoo! Health Expert for Women's Health
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Usually I like to go big: Dream big (I want to cut 5 minutes off my 10K time), breakfast big (I actually like to have two A.M. meals--one at home early and one when I get to the office midmorning), and give big (ask my friends, family and coworkers--my gifts are usually generous).
But I've also come to realize that sometimes little tweaks are all you need to make a big difference. Last year, I adjusted my running technique ever so slightly, and within weeks I had shaved a minute off my mile pace and my legs felt great.
So while going big is still my preference, I like these simple changes you can make to get trimmer and more toned without having to make a totally grand transformation. Try them today!
Grab a Granny Smith
An apple a day can keep pounds away, a study from Penn State University at State College reports. People who ate the fruit before a meal consumed 15 percent fewer calories overall than those who didn't munch on a Macintosh. Apple eaters spend more time chewing, so they feel full on fewer calories.
Speed up
Calling all walkers: If you want to shed inches in less time, speed up to a trot. When one group ran for 30 minutes at a moderate pace and another walked at an incline at the same perceived effort level, the runners burned 2 more calories per minute, a study in the Journal of Sports Sciences reveals. The quick math: That translates to almost 5 pounds lost in a year!
Set a goal
Simply making a mental note to curb your calorie intake could help you cut back on stress eating. When offered dried fruit and chocolate after sweating through an anxiety-induced task, dieters ate 32 percent less of the snack than nondieters, a study in the journal Appetite finds. Seeing a healthy option may remind dieters of their eat-right goals. Keep nutritious food in view when tension mounts. Join the SELF Challenge for inspiration and motivation to eat right and work out.
Work it
Offices can help support your workout goals, a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine reveals. Workplaces that made changes, such as adding pro-fitness signs, say their employees maintain their weight during the year while those who toiled at businesses without such emphasis on exercise gained weight. Researchers suggest posting inspiring magazine pages deskside to stay on track. For more ideas to get inspired, visit the Fresh Fitness Tips blog.
Read the fine print
Checking out the calorie counts on menus might affect your choice. After New York City required some chain restaurants to post the data, 53 percent of diners said the numbers were higher than expected and 82 percent said the counts influenced their order, a survey from Technomic, a consultancy in Chicago, indicates. Many eateries have the stats online, so log on before you dine out.
Take note
Picking up a copy of SELF might be the only trainer you need! When people who aimed to work out for at least 2 1/2 hours a week received monthly printed fitness advice, they kept exceeding their goal up to a year later, according to a study in Health Psychology. Researchers say that written reminders are key. Register for free at and get your own personal online workout logs.
Keep a journal
You've heard it before, but just in case you weren't paying attention, I'm going to refresh your memory: People who write down what they eat are the most likely to drop pounds, research at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon, finds. The reason: Food diaries reveal your healthy eating black holes. Jot down every bite for four days, without changing your diet. At the end of each day, look up each food you wrote down and tally up the calories.
To analyze your records, draw an x when more than four hours went by without eating, circle high-calorie meals, highlight fruit and veggies and underline anything that triggered guilt after you ate it. For day 5 and beyond, change your diet based on your notes. Replace x's with 150-calorie snacks and circled meals will magically downsize. No highlights on day 2? Hit the produce aisle! Didn't need those underlined cookies before bed? No late-night snack tonight!
Track down more news and advice on firming up, trimming down and looking great with one of our four fabulous newsletters. Sign up to have fresh tips delivered to your inbox.
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Happier, Healthier You
by Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief a Yahoo! Health Expert for Women's Health
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Usually I like to go big: Dream big (I want to cut 5 minutes off my 10K time), breakfast big (I actually like to have two A.M. meals--one at home early and one when I get to the office midmorning), and give big (ask my friends, family and coworkers--my gifts are usually generous).
But I've also come to realize that sometimes little tweaks are all you need to make a big difference. Last year, I adjusted my running technique ever so slightly, and within weeks I had shaved a minute off my mile pace and my legs felt great.
So while going big is still my preference, I like these simple changes you can make to get trimmer and more toned without having to make a totally grand transformation. Try them today!
Grab a Granny Smith
An apple a day can keep pounds away, a study from Penn State University at State College reports. People who ate the fruit before a meal consumed 15 percent fewer calories overall than those who didn't munch on a Macintosh. Apple eaters spend more time chewing, so they feel full on fewer calories.
Speed up
Calling all walkers: If you want to shed inches in less time, speed up to a trot. When one group ran for 30 minutes at a moderate pace and another walked at an incline at the same perceived effort level, the runners burned 2 more calories per minute, a study in the Journal of Sports Sciences reveals. The quick math: That translates to almost 5 pounds lost in a year!
Set a goal
Simply making a mental note to curb your calorie intake could help you cut back on stress eating. When offered dried fruit and chocolate after sweating through an anxiety-induced task, dieters ate 32 percent less of the snack than nondieters, a study in the journal Appetite finds. Seeing a healthy option may remind dieters of their eat-right goals. Keep nutritious food in view when tension mounts. Join the SELF Challenge for inspiration and motivation to eat right and work out.
Work it
Offices can help support your workout goals, a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine reveals. Workplaces that made changes, such as adding pro-fitness signs, say their employees maintain their weight during the year while those who toiled at businesses without such emphasis on exercise gained weight. Researchers suggest posting inspiring magazine pages deskside to stay on track. For more ideas to get inspired, visit the Fresh Fitness Tips blog.
Read the fine print
Checking out the calorie counts on menus might affect your choice. After New York City required some chain restaurants to post the data, 53 percent of diners said the numbers were higher than expected and 82 percent said the counts influenced their order, a survey from Technomic, a consultancy in Chicago, indicates. Many eateries have the stats online, so log on before you dine out.
Take note
Picking up a copy of SELF might be the only trainer you need! When people who aimed to work out for at least 2 1/2 hours a week received monthly printed fitness advice, they kept exceeding their goal up to a year later, according to a study in Health Psychology. Researchers say that written reminders are key. Register for free at and get your own personal online workout logs.
Keep a journal
You've heard it before, but just in case you weren't paying attention, I'm going to refresh your memory: People who write down what they eat are the most likely to drop pounds, research at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon, finds. The reason: Food diaries reveal your healthy eating black holes. Jot down every bite for four days, without changing your diet. At the end of each day, look up each food you wrote down and tally up the calories.
To analyze your records, draw an x when more than four hours went by without eating, circle high-calorie meals, highlight fruit and veggies and underline anything that triggered guilt after you ate it. For day 5 and beyond, change your diet based on your notes. Replace x's with 150-calorie snacks and circled meals will magically downsize. No highlights on day 2? Hit the produce aisle! Didn't need those underlined cookies before bed? No late-night snack tonight!
Track down more news and advice on firming up, trimming down and looking great with one of our four fabulous newsletters. Sign up to have fresh tips delivered to your inbox.
Subscribe to SELF for less than $1 an issue.
Get a FREE Healthy Recipe Book download!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Eat to Increase Your Lifespan
Eat to Increase Your Lifespan
By Margaret Furtado, M.S., R.D. - Posted Wed, Jul 29, 2009, 4:24 pm PDT
88% of users found this article helpful.
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Some health experts have long held that eating a Mediterranean diet increases lifespan and promotes optimal health. (This diet, if you remember, is mostly plant-based and is modeled after the traditional eating habits of the people living in the Mediterranean region.)
Now a new study published in the June 23 issue of BMJ appears to offer some data supporting these claims.
The study, done by U.S. and Greek scientists, spanned 8-1/2 years and examined data from over 23,000 men and women living in Greece during that time. The authors concluded that the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet were due to certain of its particular features, such as
using meat only as a garnish, instead of as the entrée
drinking moderate amounts of alcohol
eating more fruits, vegetables, and nuts
choosing olive oil over saturated fats (e.g., butter)
Here are some ways you can get the most out of the Mediterranean diet, so you can reach your optimum weight and improve your chances of living a longer, healthier life:
Even if you choose extra-virgin olive oil instead of the other vegetable oils, do remember that olive oil contains the same number of calories as do all of the others: 125 calories per tablespoon, or the equivalent of 3 servings of fat.
Aim for at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, preferably fresh.
One serving of fresh fruit is, logically enough, about the size of a whole apple or orange.
One serving of canned or cut-up fruit amounts to 1/2 cup, or an amount about the size of a tennis ball.
Wine does have some healthy antioxidants (aka polyphenols), chief among them resveratrol; however, you probably shouldn't start drinking alcohol now if you don't already, since it means extra calories and the risk of addiction.
To gain the health benefits of wine without having to worry about its down sides, consider taking a resveratrol supplement.
Use meat as an accent or garnish in a meal, not as the main course.
Trim the visible fat off of fatty meats before cooking them, or go with leaner cuts.
If you're eating red meat more than 3 times a week, think about cutting back and eating tofu and beans instead, along with more fish, chicken, and turkey without the skin.
To lower fat, calories, and cholesterol in chilies, casseroles, etc., try using lean (7 percent fat or less) ground turkey instead of ground beef.
By Margaret Furtado, M.S., R.D. - Posted Wed, Jul 29, 2009, 4:24 pm PDT
88% of users found this article helpful.
Post a Comment View All 81 Comments
Some health experts have long held that eating a Mediterranean diet increases lifespan and promotes optimal health. (This diet, if you remember, is mostly plant-based and is modeled after the traditional eating habits of the people living in the Mediterranean region.)
Now a new study published in the June 23 issue of BMJ appears to offer some data supporting these claims.
The study, done by U.S. and Greek scientists, spanned 8-1/2 years and examined data from over 23,000 men and women living in Greece during that time. The authors concluded that the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet were due to certain of its particular features, such as
using meat only as a garnish, instead of as the entrée
drinking moderate amounts of alcohol
eating more fruits, vegetables, and nuts
choosing olive oil over saturated fats (e.g., butter)
Here are some ways you can get the most out of the Mediterranean diet, so you can reach your optimum weight and improve your chances of living a longer, healthier life:
Even if you choose extra-virgin olive oil instead of the other vegetable oils, do remember that olive oil contains the same number of calories as do all of the others: 125 calories per tablespoon, or the equivalent of 3 servings of fat.
Aim for at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, preferably fresh.
One serving of fresh fruit is, logically enough, about the size of a whole apple or orange.
One serving of canned or cut-up fruit amounts to 1/2 cup, or an amount about the size of a tennis ball.
Wine does have some healthy antioxidants (aka polyphenols), chief among them resveratrol; however, you probably shouldn't start drinking alcohol now if you don't already, since it means extra calories and the risk of addiction.
To gain the health benefits of wine without having to worry about its down sides, consider taking a resveratrol supplement.
Use meat as an accent or garnish in a meal, not as the main course.
Trim the visible fat off of fatty meats before cooking them, or go with leaner cuts.
If you're eating red meat more than 3 times a week, think about cutting back and eating tofu and beans instead, along with more fish, chicken, and turkey without the skin.
To lower fat, calories, and cholesterol in chilies, casseroles, etc., try using lean (7 percent fat or less) ground turkey instead of ground beef.
Today 8 -24
What did i eat???
2 walffes
2 brats in a blanket-
3 monsters
3 small turkey sandwich
1 pork chop
green beans
The numbers are coming soon-
2 walffes
2 brats in a blanket-
3 monsters
3 small turkey sandwich
1 pork chop
green beans
The numbers are coming soon-
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The new life style is working!!!
Good News!!
- I have lost weight since last year. Right now my weight is 320 to 324 depending on the day- Which sounds like a huge scarry number. I found a diet bet I had with a old childhood friend. The bet failed as we both didnt stick to it very well. But looking at the numbers last fall, I was 337 to 340. So you could say I have almost lost 20 pounds since last summer.
- A note book can be a lifesavor. With out that number I would feel 500 pounds today.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Need a different game plan.
This game plan has been tossed out the window. Starting in the am. I will blog every thing I eat and during the weekend post the charts . I have a killer software program that is perfect for this.
Didn't eat pizza, today however started the day off wrong caving into a Donut. And ended the day eating Taco Johns, I don't even like Taco Johns. What the heck. I'm sick today and a new diet this happens but I havn't stuck to the diet perfectly.
Didn't eat pizza, today however started the day off wrong caving into a Donut. And ended the day eating Taco Johns, I don't even like Taco Johns. What the heck. I'm sick today and a new diet this happens but I havn't stuck to the diet perfectly.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Does your job make you fat?
Do you sit all day?
People in the office eat bad and you cave?
Stress leads to you either eating or wanting to get drunk.
Its eazy to stay on a plan when you have no outside forces-
People in the office eat bad and you cave?
Stress leads to you either eating or wanting to get drunk.
Its eazy to stay on a plan when you have no outside forces-
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Slow day in the media
Ok, this is so so stupid- Are you joking-
NoticedIt’s Hip to Be Round
Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times
Buz- zPermalinkBy GUY TREBAY
Published: August 12, 2009
THIS summer the unvarying male uniform in the precincts of Brooklyn cool has been a pair of shorts cut at knickers length, a V-neck Hanes T-shirt, a pair of generic slip-on sneakers and a straw fedora. Add a leather cuff bracelet if the coolster is gay.
In truth this get-up was pretty much the unvarying male uniform last summer also, but this year an unexpected element has been added to the look, and that is a burgeoning potbelly one might term the Ralph Kramden.
Too pronounced to be blamed on the slouchy cut of a T-shirt, too modest in size to be termed a proper beer gut, developed too young to come under the heading of a paunch, the Ralph Kramden is everywhere to be seen lately, or at least it is in the vicinity of the Brooklyn Flea in Fort Greene, the McCarren Park Greenmarket and pretty much any place one is apt to encounter fans of Grizzly Bear.
What the trucker cap and wallet chain were to hipsters of a moment ago, the Kramden is to what my colleague Mike Albo refers to as the “coolios” of now. Leading with a belly is a male privilege of long standing, of course, a symbol of prosperity in most cultures and of freedom from anxieties about body image that have plagued women since Eve.
Until recently, men were under no particular obligation to exhibit bulging deltoids and shredded abdominals; that all changed, said David Zinczenko, the editor of Men’s Health, when women moved into the work force in numbers. “The only ripples Ralph Kramden” and successors like Mike Brady of “The Brady Bunch” had to demonstrate were in their billfolds, said Mr. Zinczenko, himself a dogged crusader in the battle of the muffin top. “But that traditional male role has changed.”
As women have come to outnumber men in the workplace, it becomes more important than ever for guys to armor themselves, Mr. Zinczenko said, with the “complete package of financial and physical,” to billboard their abilities as survivors of the cultural and economic wilds.
This makes sense, in a way, but how does one account for the new prevalence of Ralph Kramdens? Have men given in or given up? Are they finished with asserting the privileges that have always accrued to men. Or is the Ralph Kramden Barack Obama’s fault?
Hipsters, by nature contrarian, according to Dan Peres, the editor of Details, may be reacting in opposition to a president who is not only, as the press relentlessly reminds us, So Darn Smart, but also hits the gym every morning, has a conspicuously flat belly and, when not rescuing the economy or sparring with Kim Jong-il, shoots hoops.
“If we had a slob in the White House, all the hipsters would turn into some walking Chippendales calendar,” Mr. Peres said. Instead, the streets of Williamsburg are crowded with men who are, as he noted, “proudly rocking a gut.” Mr. Peres’s magazine has a term for these people: the new “poor-geoisie.” But the people lining up for $13 lobster rolls at the Brooklyn Flea last weekend hardly looked as if they were worried about making the rent.
“I sort of think the six-pack abs obsession got so prissy it stopped being masculine,” is how Aaron Hicklin, the editor of Out, explains the emergence of the Ralph Kramden. What once seemed young and hot, for gay and straight men alike, now seems passé. Like manscaping, spray-on tans and other metrosexual affectations, having a belly one can bounce quarters off suggests that you may have too much time on your hands.
“It’s not cool to be seen spending so much time fussing around about your body,” Mr. Hicklin said.
And so guys can happily and guiltlessly go to seed.
Women have almost never gotten a pass on the need to maintain their bodies, while men always have, said Robert Morea, a personal fitness trainer. (Full disclosure: my own.) It would be too much, he added, to suggest that “potbellies are suddenly O.K.,” but as lean muscle and functionality become the new gym mantras, hypertrophied He-Men with grapefruit biceps and blister-pack abs have come to resemble specimens from a diorama of “A Vanished World.”
“When do you ever see that guy, anyway?” Mr. Morea asked, referring to those legendary Men’s Health cover models, with their rippling torsos and famished smiles. “The only time you really see that guy, he’s standing in front of an Abercrombie & Fitch store.” Perhaps, he suggested, there is really only one of them. “It’s the same guy. They just move him around.”
This might be a true sign of the end of the world. A pot head dude with a belly came up with this great idea how he is sexy. Dude just because the girl had sex with you doesn't mean she willn't leave you if LL Cool J came into the room. Or any other man that had a 4 pack-
NoticedIt’s Hip to Be Round
Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times
Buz- zPermalinkBy GUY TREBAY
Published: August 12, 2009
THIS summer the unvarying male uniform in the precincts of Brooklyn cool has been a pair of shorts cut at knickers length, a V-neck Hanes T-shirt, a pair of generic slip-on sneakers and a straw fedora. Add a leather cuff bracelet if the coolster is gay.
In truth this get-up was pretty much the unvarying male uniform last summer also, but this year an unexpected element has been added to the look, and that is a burgeoning potbelly one might term the Ralph Kramden.
Too pronounced to be blamed on the slouchy cut of a T-shirt, too modest in size to be termed a proper beer gut, developed too young to come under the heading of a paunch, the Ralph Kramden is everywhere to be seen lately, or at least it is in the vicinity of the Brooklyn Flea in Fort Greene, the McCarren Park Greenmarket and pretty much any place one is apt to encounter fans of Grizzly Bear.
What the trucker cap and wallet chain were to hipsters of a moment ago, the Kramden is to what my colleague Mike Albo refers to as the “coolios” of now. Leading with a belly is a male privilege of long standing, of course, a symbol of prosperity in most cultures and of freedom from anxieties about body image that have plagued women since Eve.
Until recently, men were under no particular obligation to exhibit bulging deltoids and shredded abdominals; that all changed, said David Zinczenko, the editor of Men’s Health, when women moved into the work force in numbers. “The only ripples Ralph Kramden” and successors like Mike Brady of “The Brady Bunch” had to demonstrate were in their billfolds, said Mr. Zinczenko, himself a dogged crusader in the battle of the muffin top. “But that traditional male role has changed.”
As women have come to outnumber men in the workplace, it becomes more important than ever for guys to armor themselves, Mr. Zinczenko said, with the “complete package of financial and physical,” to billboard their abilities as survivors of the cultural and economic wilds.
This makes sense, in a way, but how does one account for the new prevalence of Ralph Kramdens? Have men given in or given up? Are they finished with asserting the privileges that have always accrued to men. Or is the Ralph Kramden Barack Obama’s fault?
Hipsters, by nature contrarian, according to Dan Peres, the editor of Details, may be reacting in opposition to a president who is not only, as the press relentlessly reminds us, So Darn Smart, but also hits the gym every morning, has a conspicuously flat belly and, when not rescuing the economy or sparring with Kim Jong-il, shoots hoops.
“If we had a slob in the White House, all the hipsters would turn into some walking Chippendales calendar,” Mr. Peres said. Instead, the streets of Williamsburg are crowded with men who are, as he noted, “proudly rocking a gut.” Mr. Peres’s magazine has a term for these people: the new “poor-geoisie.” But the people lining up for $13 lobster rolls at the Brooklyn Flea last weekend hardly looked as if they were worried about making the rent.
“I sort of think the six-pack abs obsession got so prissy it stopped being masculine,” is how Aaron Hicklin, the editor of Out, explains the emergence of the Ralph Kramden. What once seemed young and hot, for gay and straight men alike, now seems passé. Like manscaping, spray-on tans and other metrosexual affectations, having a belly one can bounce quarters off suggests that you may have too much time on your hands.
“It’s not cool to be seen spending so much time fussing around about your body,” Mr. Hicklin said.
And so guys can happily and guiltlessly go to seed.
Women have almost never gotten a pass on the need to maintain their bodies, while men always have, said Robert Morea, a personal fitness trainer. (Full disclosure: my own.) It would be too much, he added, to suggest that “potbellies are suddenly O.K.,” but as lean muscle and functionality become the new gym mantras, hypertrophied He-Men with grapefruit biceps and blister-pack abs have come to resemble specimens from a diorama of “A Vanished World.”
“When do you ever see that guy, anyway?” Mr. Morea asked, referring to those legendary Men’s Health cover models, with their rippling torsos and famished smiles. “The only time you really see that guy, he’s standing in front of an Abercrombie & Fitch store.” Perhaps, he suggested, there is really only one of them. “It’s the same guy. They just move him around.”
This might be a true sign of the end of the world. A pot head dude with a belly came up with this great idea how he is sexy. Dude just because the girl had sex with you doesn't mean she willn't leave you if LL Cool J came into the room. Or any other man that had a 4 pack-
Friday, August 14, 2009
Winning today-
Today was a better day- I did eat a small pizza today- However at work we got to take the kids to Godfathers Pizza and make are own small Pizza is was fun, I did walk away from a cupcake today that was screaming my name-
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Junk food won this chapter-
Out of monster Low Carb - Took a drive to Kum & Go and a small bag of Dounuts were screaming my name- I caved in and eat them quicly-
Calories 330 Fat 13g Carb 50 OMG 50 carb that is 3 times more Carb then all of Wed.
Junk Food gave me a great upper cut to the head- Thank god my head is hard as a rock -
My weight is 322 that is low I have beem around the 335 range for most of of the last 6 months- I have been higher and I have been lower- Not much lower since I moved to the Des Moines area.
Calories 330 Fat 13g Carb 50 OMG 50 carb that is 3 times more Carb then all of Wed.
Junk Food gave me a great upper cut to the head- Thank god my head is hard as a rock -
My weight is 322 that is low I have beem around the 335 range for most of of the last 6 months- I have been higher and I have been lower- Not much lower since I moved to the Des Moines area.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The first battle starts today.
Back to work an back to battle of my diet. Junk food has always been my drug. Mountain Dew has been 2 months sober. I still think about how I want a nice ice cold can. The first time i switch to diet pop, I lost 30 pounds almost over night. HoweverWhen i cut regular POP I still couldn't live with out my Dew. I cut back to one can of Dew a day. Then nothing but diet pop. My weight dropped quickly, granted i went from 24 cans of pop a day to only one with sugar still in it. Pop controled my life like beer comtrols many other people.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I have been OK with food- I stopped POP cold turkey a few month ago- Granted Don't say good job- Pop Has helped with my Fat battle and the fact my teeth are in such bad shape- I live on 3 cans of monster low carb a day and tons of water. Now working out has been bad- Other then getting beat up by my 11 month old son and picking up sticks in my yard.
I need to start moving and i need better food control. My wife doesn't understand If i live in Hy Vee I would eat the store every day. I have no self control. The best I have been on a diet in the last 5 year? I had basicly food for the day in my house and nothing more. I ate a cow (low carb) a day and anything life afruit or diet pop was bought in small portions.
I need to start moving and i need better food control. My wife doesn't understand If i live in Hy Vee I would eat the store every day. I have no self control. The best I have been on a diet in the last 5 year? I had basicly food for the day in my house and nothing more. I ate a cow (low carb) a day and anything life afruit or diet pop was bought in small portions.
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