Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hired New Fitness Coach

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds

Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds

By Madison Park,
(CNN) -- Twinkies. Nutty bars. Powdered donuts.

For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.

His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food.

The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months.

For a class project, Haub limited himself to less than 1,800 calories a day. A man of Haub's pre-dieting size usually consumes about 2,600 calories daily. So he followed a basic principle of weight loss: He consumed significantly fewer calories than he burned.

His body mass index went from 28.8, considered overweight, to 24.9, which is normal. He now weighs 174 pounds.

But you might expect other indicators of health would have suffered. Not so.

Haub's "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20 percent and his "good" cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20 percent. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent.

"That's where the head scratching comes," Haub said. "What does that mean? Does that mean I'm healthier? Or does it mean how we define health from a biology standpoint, that we're missing something?"

Haub's sample day
Espresso, Double: 6 calories; 0 grams of fat

Hostess Twinkies Golden Sponge Cake: 150 calories; 5 grams of fat

Centrum Advanced Formula From A To Zinc: 0 calories; 0 grams of fat

Little Debbie Star Crunch: 150 calories; 6 grams of fat

Hostess Twinkies Golden Sponge Cake: 150 calories; 5 grams of fat

Diet Mountain Dew: 0 calories; 0 grams of fat

Doritos Cool Ranch: 75 calories; 4 grams of fat

Kellogg's Corn Pops: 220 calories; 0 grams of fat

whole milk: 150 calories; 8 grams of fat

baby carrots: 18 calories; 0 grams of fat

Duncan Hines Family Style Brownie Chewy Fudge: 270 calories; 14 grams of fat

Little Debbie Zebra Cake: 160 calories; 8 grams of fat

Muscle Milk Protein Shake: 240 calories; 9 grams of fat

Totals: 1,589 calories and 59 grams of fat Despite his temporary success, Haub does not recommend replicating his snack-centric diet.

"I'm not geared to say this is a good thing to do," he said. "I'm stuck in the middle. I guess that's the frustrating part. I can't give a concrete answer. There's not enough information to do that."

Two-thirds of his total intake came from junk food. He also took a multivitamin pill and drank a protein shake daily. And he ate vegetables, typically a can of green beans or three to four celery stalks.

Families who live in food deserts have limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables, so they often rely on the kind of food Haub was eating.

"These foods are consumed by lots of people," he said. "It may be an issue of portion size and moderation rather than total removal. I just think it's unrealistic to expect people to totally drop these foods for vegetables and fruits. It may be healthy, but not realistic."

Haub's body fat dropped from 33.4 to 24.9 percent. This posed the question: What matters more for weight loss, the quantity or quality of calories?

His success is probably a result of caloric reduction, said Dawn Jackson Blatner, a dietitian based in Atlanta, Georgia.

"It's a great reminder for weight loss that calories count," she said. "Is that the bottom line to being healthy? That's another story."

Blatner, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, said she's not surprised to hear Haub's health markers improved even when he loaded up on processed snack cakes.

Being overweight is the central problem that leads to complications like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, she said.

How well are you managing your diabetes?

"When you lose weight, regardless of how you're doing it -- even if it's with packaged foods, generally you will see these markers improve when weight loss has improved," she said.

Before jumping on the Ding Dong bandwagon, Blatner warned of health concerns.

"There are things we can't measure," said Blatner, questioning how the lack of fruits and vegetables could affect long-term health. "How much does that affect the risk for cancer? We can't measure how diet changes affect our health."

I was eating healthier, but I wasn't healthy. I was eating too much.

--Professor Mark Haub

The ultimate Twinkie diet
Healthy Eating
Hostess Twinkies
Kansas State University
Weight Loss
Diet and Nutrition
On August 25, Haub, 41, started his cake diet focusing on portion control.

"I'm eating to the point of need and pushing the plate or wrapper away," he said.

He intended the trial to last a month as a teaching tool for his class. As he lost weight, Haub continued the diet until he reached a normal body mass index.

Before his Twinkie diet, he tried to eat a healthy diet that included whole grains, dietary fiber, berries and bananas, vegetables and occasional treats like pizza.

"There seems to be a disconnect between eating healthy and being healthy," Haub said. "It may not be the same. I was eating healthier, but I wasn't healthy. I was eating too much."

He maintained the same level of moderate physical activity as before going on the diet. (Haub does not have any ties to the snack cake companies.)

To avoid setting a bad example for his kids, Haub ate vegetables in front of his family. Away from the dinner table, he usually unwrapped his meals.

Study: U.S. obesity rate will hit 42 percent

Haub monitored his body composition, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose, and updated his progress on his Facebook page, Professor Haub's diet experiment.

To curb calories, he avoided meat, whole grains and fruits. Once he started adding meat into the diet four weeks ago, his cholesterol level increased.

Haub plans to add about 300 calories to his daily intake now that he's done with the diet. But he's not ditching snack cakes altogether. Despite his weight loss, Haub feels ambivalence.

"I wish I could say the outcomes are unhealthy. I wish I could say it's healthy. I'm not confident enough in doing that. That frustrates a lot of people. One side says it's irresponsible. It is unhealthy, but the data doesn't say that."

The Worst Burgers in America

The Worst Burgers in America

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Failed Again-

Its almost Winter in Iowa the snow and -40 below temp's will start soon. I lost no weight, didn't get a book idea done or started. Didn't run a race, and really wasted the Summer being a Stay at Home daddy.

This blog has failed because I failed-

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bike Seats aren't built for Fat People

Wow, With all the padding being over weight you would think riding a bike wouldn't hurt so much!!! Let me start with I have not been a bike person since I broke my BMX trying to do a jump that I failed. I was 12 year old, that was over 20 years ago.

Me and my wife entered the Urbandale Iowa Amazing Race. Which is a very cool mini version of the popular show. Was a 14 mile race around town with 7 different challenges. Which include, mile on treadmill, bean bag toss, slip and slide, bobbin for hard boil eggs to name a few. It was a small field of 8 teams and me and my wife entered with the goal to finish and not get divorced. The race was totally free. We finished and won some cool stuff such as $85 in gift cards. We were last, were second to last for a few legs, one group blew a tire. This is one of the hardest things we have done together and by far one the hardest thing I have done physically for some time.

Couple things.
1.Toward the end of the Race we had my car at the Library we had at least 4 mile's left we both joked about cheating and taking the car. I was hurting so badly my legs, my butt but I said No, we have cheated with fitness to long.
2. I really want to quit- But that sets a huge bad example for my son
3. Even being in pain as a write this and most likely more later it was worth it.
4. We got a food bill paid for with the $50 Hy Vee Gift card

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sandwiches in a can: Can-do or can-don’t?

Mark Kirkland is used to skeptics. He’s comfortable with critics. He’s unfazed by the reaction he typically gets the first time people hear about his invention: “Ewwwwwwww.”
Kirkland, 50, of Salt Lake City, Utah, has dedicated more than a decade of his life to a single concept: The sandwich in a can.
Or, actually, make that a few concepts: Sandwiches in a can. Pizza in a can. French toast in a can. Cinnamon rolls in a can.
Why a can? Because, when combined with techniques similar to those used to preserve Meals Ready-to-Eat for soldiers, an aluminum can keeps food fresh for a full year or even longer. Yes, that’s right: A fresh, year-old sandwich.
And cans have an added benefit, Kirkland noted: They fit perfectly inside all the soda vending machines that exist, well, everywhere. That means his “Candwich” products could be sold in both stores and vending machines.
“So think about it,” Kirkland explained. “You’re a mom running your kids between school, piano lessons, soccer. Stopping at a fast-food restaurant takes time. This is something that literally could roll around the car for a few months. ... I kind of compare it to bottled water when it first came out. At the time I thought, ‘Why would I pay a dollar for a bottle of water when I can just go to the water fountain?’ Now I drink bottled water every day. It’s convenient.”
But how does it taste? Thus far, Kirkland’s assurances haven’t done much to stem the snickering and giggling. On his late-night Comedy Central show “The Colbert Report,” Stephen Colbert joked about preserving sandwiches with the same technology used to store motor oil. Colbert said of the “BBQ Chicken Candwich”: “I am confident only one of those B’s stands for botulism.”
Jac Howard writer Laura T. Coffey conducts a taste test and gives the PB&J Candwich a thumbs-up.
Kirkland knows his products won’t be a hit with busy moms, kids or anybody else if they don’t taste good. To demonstrate the virtues of “shelf-stable bread” and sandwich fixings that have a long shelf life, he sent two peanut-butter-and-jelly Candwich samples to This writer tried them, and you know what? They weren’t bad at all. In fact, they tasted just like standard peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches made with hot-dog buns — a perennial kid-lunch staple.
In the interest of full disclosure, Kirkland did not send the sample sandwiches in a fully canned state. (The cans are in the process of being mass-produced for his PB&J Candwich product launch in August.) When canned, his food products will undergo the rigors of “hurdle technology” — that is, hurdles to prevent the growth of any pathogens or unwanted organisms in the food. By controlling the amount of oxygen, acidity and water inside the packaging and the sandwich itself, pathogens can be stopped in their tracks, Kirkland said.
To build a PB&J Candwich, you spread the contents of squeezable peanut-butter and jelly packets onto a hot-dog bun that has been stored separately in cellophane.
The sandwich samples Kirkland shared with included the ingredients that would have gone inside a can: A hot-dog bun wrapped in cellophane; a squeezable packet of peanut butter; a squeezable packet of jelly; and a small piece of taffy for dessert. You just build your own sandwich and nosh. The shelf-stable bread Kirkland uses for the hot-dog buns wound up sitting in a FedEx package for five days, but it still tasted, smelled and felt just fine.
But what about pre-built sandwiches and pizza pockets that have meat baked into them? How do those hold up after months and months inside a can?
Jeff Pierson, 46, a nature and wildlife photographer based in Salt Lake City, loves the BBQ Chicken Candwich so much that he’s devoured dozens of them. A few years back, he tried his first canned sandwich courtesy of one of his buddies, a longtime friend of Kirkland’s.
“When it was just peanut butter and jelly, I was pretty excited about it, but when I was handed my first meat sandwich I was a little hesitant,” Pierson recalled. “I thought, ‘How safe could this be?’ But I’ve eaten them after a full year, and they were still good — and I’m still here.”
Pierson said the sandwiches are convenient when he spends multiple days outside — nowhere near a store or refrigerator — taking photos of grizzly bears and other wildlife. When closer to home, he’s also devised a method for enjoying hot chicken sandwiches.
“I keep ’em in my car,” he said. “I put ’em in a heavy plastic sack and leave them on the dashboard, and I have a hot sandwich for lunch. ... I’ve never been sick and I’ve had a lot of them that have been kicking around in the car for a spring and a winter, a few seasons, and it’s always been OK.”
No need for refrigeration Because of their staying power, inventor Kirkland also sees a place for Candwiches in emergency-preparedness kits and at times when natural disasters strike.
“I wish I would have had about 100 million of these when the earthquake hit Haiti,” Kirkland said. “Or any time there’s a hurricane or the power goes out. ... I think of it as more of a convenience item than an emergency item, but I do think it’s perfect for emergencies.”
In August, peanut-butter-and-jelly Candwiches will go on the market for the first time in limited areas of the United States. That will be followed by a nationwide product launch. Next will be the Pepperoni Pizza Pocket Candwich, which has the pepperoni, sauce and cheese baked into the bread.
Next up: The BBQ Chicken Candwich, the BBQ Beef Candwich, French toast that contains a maple filling, and cinnamon rolls that come with a spreadable chocolate sauce. Kirkland also has plans to unveil canned calzones and canned wrapped sandwiches in the future.

Pretty soon consumers will be able to add a sandwich to their soda order when they do business with a vending machine.
He foresees the products selling in soda vending machines for $2 to $3, and in grocery stores and convenience stores for varying prices.
‘A long, hard road’ Kirkland is almost giddy that the Candwich — which is being marketed by his company, Mark One Foods — is finally about to be sold to the general public. His lengthy canned-sandwich journey began when he had an epiphany back in the 1990s.
“I was eating a cookie and drinking a soda, and it occurred to me if I put cookies into a soda can I could sell it through a soft-drink vending machine,” Kirkland said. “I had a cookie in one hand and a drink in the other, I thought, ‘Hey! Bring your hands together!’ That’s where it all started.”
He patented the concept of putting a non-beverage item inside a soda container in 1999. He found an investor named Travis L. Wright who wanted to back the Candwich and help bring it to the market — but as time passed, everything went awry.
It turns out that Wright allegedly used money raised from about 175 other investors to support Candwich development and other business ideas. But those other investors had given Wright $145 million to invest in commercial real estate. A lawsuit filed this month by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission maintains that Wright committed fraud by misleading his investors and using their money to fund a “lavish lifestyle.”
“He had me in limbo for years, and then he left me in the lurch,” Kirkland said. “When the real estate market crashed, his business crashed, and now he’s being charged with fraud. It’s nothing that we did wrong; it’s just that he turned out to be a bad investor.”
Kirkland said he’s struggled to get the Candwiches to the product-launch point without Wright’s full, promised backing. It took a while to pull that off in this economy.
“It’s been a long, hard road,” he said. “It’s been a tough five years. If I didn’t really believe in the product and I didn’t have a good wife, I’d probably be dead now.”

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

pursue other applicants who more closely reflect the requirements for the position

pursue other applicants who more closely reflect the requirements for the position

Are you joking? The job was to clean and office building. Job deception, included; Sweeping, mop, empty garbage, and windows. How the living hell do I don't meet the requirement?

In english, We see you have a degree and might not stay with us long so please go away.

But when I apply for a job within my degree field I'm turned down for skinny people, however now I'm starting to hear you haven't really used you degree yet. Really? Its because you have turned me down for the last three years. I had a fitness studio that had the balls to tell me, I should work part time or something in the business? Ok, you have a part time job can I apply for it, Nope we just hired someone. Really you told me at the start of the interview this postion just open within the hour. O and by the way, I offered to work for you 2 years ago for free and you turned me down, so just the the YMCA of Des Moines I give up.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

10 Best Foods For Your Buck

10 Best Foods For Your Buck

your menus around healthy, nutrient-packed staples that won’t give you sticker shock at the checkout.

Make the most of your grocery budget by stocking up on these versatile natural foods that are good for your health and wallet.

Peanut butter
Why it's a 10 best:This popular pantry item offers protein and heart-healthy unsaturated fats.

Use it it: Snacks, sandwiches, sauces, and baking goods.

Cost: About 20¢ for 2 tablespoons

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Why they're a 10 best: Eggs are a good source of lean protein, and also contain vitamin B12, riboflavin and phosphorus.
Use them in: Omelets, frittatas and salads

Cost: About 13¢ per large egg


Why they're a 20 best: This grain helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Use them in: Baked goods, breakfast and to stretch ground-meat dishes

Cost: About 17¢ per ½ cup for quick-cooking oats


Why they're a 10 best: This fruit is a good source of vitamin C and is full of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Use them in: Salads and baked goods; as a snack

Cost: About 60¢ each, depending on variety and season


Why it's a 10 best: This leafy green is loaded with vitamins (A, C, K and folic acid) and manganese.

Use it in: Salads, pasta dishes, casseroles, soups and stews

Cost: About $1 for 5 ounces of fresh spinach


Why they're a 10 best: This tasty staple provides lean protein that’s full of fiber, calcium, folic acid and iron and other minerals.

Use them in: Salad and stews

Cost: About 35¢ per ½-cup serving (canned)

Frozen vegetables

Why they're a 10 best: They provide fiber and an array of nutrients, depending on which veggies you buy.

Use them in: Sides and casseroles

Cost: About 40¢ per serving

Sweet potatoes

Why they're a 10 best: These spuds are very filling (because they contain fiber) and a source of vitamins A and B6.

Use them in: Main and side dishes

Cost: About $1 each

Brown rice

Why it's a 10 best: Brown rice is a whole grain and a source of vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese.

Use it in: Soups, salads and side dishes

Cost: About 37¢ per ½ cup (cooked)

Canned tuna fish

Why it’s a 10 Best: This fish is a healthful lean protein and contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Use it in: Sandwiches, casseroles and salads

Cost: About 75¢ for 3 ounces

Fattiest Restaurant Words to Avoid

Fattiest Restaurant Words to Avoid

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some TImes in Life

You have to tackle the house, the bank account and other ways to make money in return your Blog goes away. I will have a Post this weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19

Off today-

Right Knee hurts badly

may 18

1.60 miles
30:48 min
19 09 pace\\411 calories burned

KFC's Double Down is here to Stay-

KFC’s Double Down bet pays off
Fast-food chain extends popular, bunless menu item
KFC's Double Down is essentially a sandwich with two chicken filets taking the place of bread slices. In between are two pieces of bacon, melted slices of Monterey jack and pepper jack cheese and a zesty sauce.

- Meat lovers, relax. But chickens, beware.

KFC says Americans are gobbling down so many Double Down sandwiches that the fast-food chain will offer the bunless, meaty sandwich longer than it had planned.

Originally the sandwich — bacon and cheese surrounded by chicken filets — was to have been available through Sunday.

But KFC said Wednesday that the sandwich will be available now for as long as customer demand remains high.

Menu ‘stunts’ and how they fared
Fast-food outlets and casual dining chains routinely dream up flashy new menu items to build buzz and lure ravenous Americans.

The Double Down came onto the market on April 12 and was supposed to have lasted about six weeks. But it tapped into Americans' fascination with quirky food and became a viral-marketing sensation. People posted videos of themselves eating the sandwich on sites like YouTube, and celebrities like Stephen Colbert gobbled it up.

KFC said it has been one of its most successful sandwich launches ever. Later this month, KFC expects to sell its 10 millionth Double Down. They cost about $5.

Some have questioned the sandwiches' nutritional value. The original version has 540 calories and 32 grams of fat, and 1,380 milligrams of salt. A grilled version cuts calories to 460 and fat to 23 grams, but sodium rises to 1,430 milligrams. By comparison, the Big Mac from McDonald's has 540 calories, 29 grams of fat and 1,040 milligrams of sodium.

The American Heart Association says people should aim to eat less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day.

KFC's corporate parent is Yum Brands Inc.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Today May 17

I walked 2.51 miles

time 45:56
pace 18;14
644 calories

Eat two large salades one with chesse and chicken- 3 low carb monster drinks- 20 crackers. I'm so hungry

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today 5/16/10

I walked 2.08 miles
36:16 time
Pace 18:19

534 Calories BURNED

3 20 yard sprints

Food has been good- Nothing Breakfast- Got lunch for me an the Wife and a local BBQ place 3 types of meat- Small sides. Baked beans- coleslaw- bread- Dinner HUGE salad- steak- fresh salsa.

What is worse then back pain?

Weight going up!! Are you joking? I have started today a food- fitness notebook. I need to know why my weight has went down 10 pounds then back up 8 pounds when my fitness output has increased. In war when you become trapped you can die, wave the white flag or retreat and comeback not just better but when more guns.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Been to long- Weight down- back spasms UP!!!!

Been a crazy a busy few weeks, trying to get some order with are bills and apply for job options. I have lost some weight 5 pounds. I could feel the weight loss in a positive and negative way- Problem with the weight is my back, with such a small weight loss I get a huge pain in low back- Such a pain it almost brings me to my knees at times. I have always had this issue since my weight has gotten so huge. My back has been weak over the years. I have a great memory of a few hits during football that I know have weaken the back, but I still blame myself. After all the weight it my fault. In the past I have used a muscle relaxer and after a few days been fine. Problem? Muscle relaxer knock me out cold- Which is fine being a single person or a married person with out a kid. Its a painfully hurdle to go though but its worth it getting me back down to a healthy weight.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm a huge fan of Jillian- She is hot, and doesn't hold back-

Jillian Michaels Criticized for Anti-Pregnancy Comments
By Lindsay Robertson | Thursday, April 22, 2010, 3:33 PM

Jillian at a recent event.
Craig Barritt/"The Biggest Loser" trainer Jillian Michaels is getting some interesting feedback for comments she made in Women's Health magazine about the reasons she plans to adopt, rather than give birth to, children. "I'm going to adopt. I can't handle doing that to my body," Michaels told the magazine. "Also, when you rescue something, it's like rescuing a part of yourself."

While the trainer, who famously overcame childhood obesity to become one of the most successful fitness gurus of all time, isn't known for her tact -- she has occasionally resorted to name-calling in her attempts to motivate contestants on "The Biggest Loser" -- her comments about pregnancy have led to concern about how they might influence other women.

It's unlikely that Michaels' comments will lead to any major spike in adoption or a drop in pregnancy rates, but some experts are wondering how the comments of a high-profile fitness expert might be received.

FOX News consulted a few experts who have not worked with Michaels, including Dr. Leslie Seppinni, a Los Angeles-based family therapist and clinical psychologist. "She is teaching people about body image and self-esteem," she said. "Women have children all the time and get right back in shape, particularly if they exercise. If this is how she truly feels, she should seek counsel before coaching others on issues of body image."

[Photos: See a gallery of 'Biggest Loser' contestants.]

Andrew MacPherson/Women's Health
However, another expert points out that, unlike most women, Michaels depends on being in extraordinary physical shape for her career. Beverly Hills psychologist Dr. Haleh Stahl told Fox News: "I think it's different for a person who doesn't rely on the shape of their body for their livelihood. This is what she's known for, and she's in the business of inspiring others to get in shape."

This isn't the first time Michaels has spurred controversy. Last October, she angered some fans of Oprah Winfrey when, in an interview with Health Magazine, she called the queen of daytime talk "someone [who] I think is utterly misguided...She says she had a thyroid problem and ate soy, and I'm like, how? Where is Dr. Oz? She's just so misinformed, it is shocking to me on a daily basis. Soy is terrible for you [if you have thyroid issues]."

Coincidentally, it's Oprah herself whom Michaels wants to replace, and she's hoping to have her own daytime talk show by 2011, telling Women's Health: "That's exactly when Oprah goes off the air. [I've] been waiting for that moment. And now that moment is happening."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting a fever for fitness

Things are starting to work with. My wife is doing a killer job with coooking good healthy meals. Tonight was a nice tag team, I grilled the turkey burgurs and watch DJ played with his water table, while the wife fix the rest.

Have had two nice long walks, even jogged some tonight.

I'm very pumped for the new Devon to show-

Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change?

Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A review of KFC's Double Down

A heart attack roll-

I caved an it was my cheater meal. OK, at first it was so good, every bite wow. But like most fast food meals when you eat fast food maybe once every two weeks. Its great at first then you feel sick later.

Great idea, I might try a homemade one less sickness after the enjoyment.

Its worth a try-

Monday, April 12, 2010

Got meat? New KFC 'Double Down' has a double dose!

Got meat? New KFC 'Double Down' has a double dose!
BY Randy Kreider and Katie Nelson

Originally Published:Wednesday, April 7th 2010, 9:40 PM
Updated: Wednesday, April 7th 2010, 11:53 PM

KFC's The Double Down chicken 'sandwich.' Take our PollKFC's double-meat treat
The Double Down sandwich: Delicious or disgusting?

Delicious! Looks like junk food heaven.
Disgusting! I wouldn't touch this thing.
I'm not really sure.

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The fried chicken franchise is rolling out a new "sandwich" with no bread - and extra meat.

The "Double Down" is two fried filets that cradle two pieces of bacon, two slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and a squish of Colonel's Sauce.

Feeling healthy? Go for the grilled chicken version instead. KFC initially tested the Double Down in Nebraska and Rhode Island and will fatten up menus nationwide with its new addition on April 12.

The chain is literally counting down the seconds until the supersandwich goes on sale on its Web site.

The Double Down isn't the unhealthiest fast food out there, but it's probably got enough sodium to draw salty tears from sodium-battling Mayor Bloomberg.

The "original recipe" Double Down has 540 calories, 32 grams of fat and 1,380 milligrams of sodium. The grilled version has 460 calories, 23 grams of fat and a whopping 1,430 milligrams of sodium. Most health groups recommend a maximum intake of 1,500 to 2,400 milligrams a day.

New Yorkers weren't all ready to gobble down a Double Down. "Sounds disgusting," said Danielle Mitchell, 31, a student from midtown. "I don't see how that's healthy. I mean, the bread is probably not healthy, but that's a lot of meat with the chicken and the bacon. I don't think it's good."

Giada Ferrone, 35, a dance teacher from the upper West Side agreed. "I'm a vegetarian. It's pretty gross if you ask me. Even if I did eat meat, I wouldn't eat that."

Cari Gervino of Essex County, N.J., counts herself a taker. "Sounds delicious, and I actually don't eat bread," said the 24-year-old teacher and distance runner. "If I was really in the mood for something unhealthy, I would definitely buy it."

Tom Everard, 24, a tourist from Manchester, England, was just plain perplexed. "I'm so confused by it. It's not a sandwich without bread. What's next? It's a slippery slope."

Read more:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The quick Cure for plantar fasciitis!!

I'm not a doctor- But had plantar fascitis so bad 3 years ago, It took me 30 mintues or more to get out of bed, it was so hurtful. I went to a foot doctor, OK some foot doctor's might be good this one sucked. His first option was Corticosteroid injections which deliver medicine into the injured fascia to reduce pain. The first time this happen I was better in 24 hours, I loved this doctor. I had to have two more in each foot. Pain never got better and his next option was surgry. I was working retail and being off my foot that long wasn't an option. SO I started to do reseachr. I found out the shots were considered a last resuort and this treatment may weaken the plantar fascia and result in further damage and some doctor willn't even do it. I found a pill you can by at Wal-Mart Its called CoQ10. Its was a whole list of things it can help you for, But it has given me a healthy Plantar Fasciitis, only problem you will take it for ever- I stopped it last week to save a few $1 and I can hardly walk again. Wow. If your a walker or Runner and you get this hated word Please try it out.

According to the Mayo Clinic[35] "CoQ10 has been used, recommended, or studied for numerous conditions, but remains controversial as a treatment in many areas." Further clinical results are needed to determine whether supplementation with coenzyme Q10 is beneficial for healthy people.

[edit] Mitochondrial disorders
Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 is a treatment for some of the very rare and serious mitochondrial disorders and other metabolic disorders, where patients are not capable of producing enough coenzyme Q10 because of their disorder.[36] Coenzyme Q10 is then prescribed by a physician.[37]

[edit] Heart failure
There is some clinical evidence[38] that supplementation with coenzyme Q10 is beneficial in treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. However, The American College of Cardiology published in 2005 an expert consensus document concluding that the value of coenzyme Q10 in cardiovascular disease has not been clearly established.[39] The Mayo clinic says that there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend for or against the use of CoQ10 in patients with coronary heart disease.[35]

[edit] Migraine headaches
Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 has been found to have a beneficial effect on the condition of some sufferers of migraine headaches. So far, three studies have been done, of which two were small, did not have a placebo group, were not randomized, and were open-label,[40] and one was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, which found statistically significant results despite its small sample size of 42 patients.[41] Dosages were 150 to 300 mg/day.

[edit] Cancer
CoQ10 is also being investigated as a treatment for cancer, and as relief from cancer treatment side-effects.[42]

[edit] Cardiac arrest
Another recent study shows a survival benefit after cardiac arrest if coenzyme Q10 is administered in addition to commencing active cooling of the body to 90–93 degrees Fahrenheit (32–34 degrees Celsius).[43]

[edit] Blood pressure
There are several reports concerning the effect of CoQ10 on blood pressure in human studies.[44] In a recent (2007) meta-analysis of the clinical trials of CoQ10 for hypertension, a research group led by Professor Frank Rosenfeldt (Director, Cardiac Surgical Research Unit, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia) reviewed all published trials of coenzyme Q10 for hypertension, and assessed overall efficacy, consistency of therapeutic action, and side-effect incidence. Meta-analysis was performed in 12 clinical trials (362 patients) comprising three randomized controlled trials, one crossover study, and eight open-label studies. The research group concluded that coenzyme Q10 has the potential in hypertensive patients to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 17 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by up to 10 mm Hg without significant side-effects.[45]

[edit] Lifespan
One study demonstrated that low dosages of coenzyme Q10 reduce oxidation and DNA double-strand breaks, and a combination of a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 supplementation leads to a longer lifespan in rats.[46] Coles and Harris demonstrated an extension in the lifespan of rats when they were given coenzyme Q10 supplementation.[47] Another study demonstrated that coenzyme Q10 extends the lifespan of C. elegans (nematode).[48]

[edit] Radiation injury
A 2002 study reported that, in rat experiments, coenzyme Q10 taken as dietary supplement reduced radiation damage to the animals' blood.[49]

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring is here to hinding behind the coat-

Its been a good week. Walked tons, eaten very well my wife has helped out tons with that. So baby steps to a new me.

Life is Short!

Life is way to short-

Overweight and fat people nation ( like myself) need to do a real life check. DO I really want to change? Do I enjoy the back pain, winded going up stairs, never finding clothing you like in your size. A very common problem for the overweight, Wow that shirt is great but its only in XXL. Then many people do the, " Well I will buy the shirt and that will motivte me to lose weight. Three years from now you clean out your closet because size XXXL are getting tight and the light bulb goes off, there has to be $200 buck of clothing that was wasted. What has worked for me in the past? I donate or resell ( Love Ebay) every clothing that doesn't fit even that really cool shirt.

My weight has a HUGE red flag Heart attack waiting to happen. Granted I'm still in good shape for my size. I can keep up with the kids most days. ( Not really I just deal with pain well)

This blog is going to be renamed- What the hell are you talking about.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to Fuel for Weight Loss

How to Fuel for Weight Loss
By Jenny Hadfield

As with any solid weight loss journey, fueling your body with healthy nutrient-rich foods is key. This isn't always an easy transition, however the good news is you will feel the difference through energy levels and mood even with the smallest of changes. I'm an advocate for easing into things as changing too much too soon, can lead to frustration, deprivation and sabotage. Here are a few simple tricks you can incorporate into your eating routine. Keep is simple and real and develop a recipe that makes sense for you and your family.

Downsize your plate sizes. It is a little well-known fact that the size of our serving wear has increased in the last three decades, and with it, so too have our portions. Choose a small plate for meals to avoid over-sized portions. Ladies, it's just like carrying a big purse. The more room you have, the more likely you are to stuff it! When dining out, split your meals with a friend or spouse, or ask for half of it in a to-go box before it is served.

Eat at the table. Avoid eating meals while driving, watching TV or even reading. You'll avoid overeating due to distraction, and break the bond between TV and food.

Spice it up and slow it down. Adding a little spice to your foods raises your metabolism and can slow down the pace of eating. Focus on your food and learn to slow the pace of eating by chewing more slowly and thoroughly, and putting down your silverware after each bite. The more slowly you eat, the more time your body has to realize it is satisfied and full. Plus, thoroughly chewed food digests more quickly in your stomach.

Fill up with fiber. Include foods that are high in fiber to fill you up and stabilize blood sugar levels. This will help you to avoid cravings.

Be timely. Plan your meals for the day and assure you have something to eat as you progress. Doing so will increase your energy, help you avoid missed meals, and prevent binging later in the day. Pack up your meals and have healthy snacks by your side at all times.

Eat in, rather than out. Cooking at home gives you complete control of the quality of food, fat content and portion sizes. Not to mention it is much less expensive. Treat yourself to a dinner out every once in a while, but keep cooking at the home front.

Support your local farmers market. Look for your local farmer's market for fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. It's a great way to support your community and assure the quality and safety of your produce.

Eat foods and drinks with a short list of ingredients. Highly processed foods are quick and easy to prepare, but lack in the nutrient department and can lead to hypertension due to high sodium levels. Keep it real and reach for--or prepare--foods that are in essence "natural" and that have a list of five ingredients or less. Being mindful of what goes in your body is a great way to feeling better within a matter of days.

Coach Jenny Hadfield is the co-author of the best-selling Marathoning for Mortals, and the new Running for Mortals and Training for Mortals series. Coach Jenny has trained thousands of runners and walkers with her training plans. Improve your running performance or train for your first race with Coach Jenny's Active Trainer Program.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Degree cost me $40,000 and hasn 't landed a job-

I was driven more then any other time in my life when I was in college the second time. I had seen life with out a college degree and I wasn't going to happen to me. A College degree a BA in my degree field was going to change everything. I had so many things to over come. I have a learning disability. How it was explained to me years ago sum it up most people what that have to do to get a A you will get a D- with the same effort. Almost every teacher I had said I would never have a college degree I was going to be nothing when it came to Education. Playing sports might be my only chance to a college road.When I think of the effort I put into college had i put that into my football career in high School I would be right now a former College and Pro football player with many door open to coach. But that didn't happen.

What is my point to this? Did I make a mistake going to college? Did I make a mistake not getting my teaching degree ( Please not that the state of Iowa is cutting PE teacher like there not important)

Even with that Huge Bill, I'm glad I went to college, I'm mad the only time I failed in college was taking a teacher's test which is the reason I settled for Non Teaching. Please note I took it 5 times and only had problems with the written part. Missing out by one point that last time. I gave up and went with this degree.

The biggest thing I mad about? I have lost that drive. Even with a wife and baby and being a stay at home dad ( a job that never ends) I can us my drive to finish what needs to be done.

A pro wrestler said something years ago that I had in my school notebook, You can knock me down, you can break my leg, hell you can make me bleed. I'm still going to get back up and come back tomorrow and do this all over, well until I win.

The time is now!!

Thank you god for the warm days. Some people might think its cold outside. But no its perfect little snow and 40 degress. I have went for two nice walks, its a huge start to D FITNESS plan to kick some major ass the rest of 2010. However if Urbandale doesn't open there track to the tax paying public the paid for the track I need to find a plan B. I hate running/slow walking in city neighboorhoods. Yes I know most people DON'T call the fatman's town a city. (Urbandale, Iowa) But coing from a town o 600 its a city. I need a track or a gravel road. I'm not very picky in life but I know what work and how to place myself in the best success rate. Track or gravel road and music. With out them I will be in for a huge battle. I have 100 pounds that I need to lose. (Yes I know its not going to fall off) But a 12 month plan will melt that weight off.

Ate good today-

Friday, March 12, 2010

What will it take?

I have everything I know needs to be done, but i fail to do it. I'm not only to fat for me degree but I seem to not care. I don't just need to be better fit for a job, I need to be better fit for my life. What will it take? Devon will it take a trip to the ER? A heart attack? You might not get a second chance don't wait for the wake up call. Because you wake up call might not have a second chance.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jillian Michaels New Yoga DVD

Great Post on That's Fit

Big Foot killed my Diet-

I gained over 5 pounds after eating one hamburger- Not a joke, 5 plus pounds after eating one HUGE BIG FOOT sandwich-

Eatin to candy- Cutting out a lot over the last 3 weeks, was a huge help and i killed all that work in one meal-

NO MORE REWARD in the form of a hamburger the size of my head- Picture a bigMAC time 10!! With really fresh meat-

Monday, March 1, 2010

Great fitness web site

If this lady can't make you work out- Your dead inside-

Sunday, February 28, 2010

5k Fitness

I'm going to build my success on a 5k fitness spring and Summer.

BIG FOOT Kills my diet

I have lost maybe a pound and have gotten some walking and weight into my life the last 2 weeks.

But wait Mr. Fatman meets Big Foot = a big screw you diet I kicked your butt.

KC Barbecue here in Des Moines has a crazy Sandwich which 3 large hamburgers patty's, onion rings plus more-

So one huge mistake can kill the diet or a reward for a good two weeks? I look at it as a reward, stay postive and look for success in every negative bump in the road. If you have a good month you can maybe try the Double Big Foot

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday 2-8

What did the fatman eat?

2 slices bread with peanut Butter
2 bread flats with PB
1/2 Chicken Breast
small ground meat and chesse ( left overs)
1 large salad (chesse, olives,rost beef)
2 can's Monster low carb
2 slices cheese-

Reggie Roby

Its funny that most traffic to this web page right now is do to my writing about Reggie Roby-

Weight lost needs a jump start-

How do you get that Jump when you don't have the money for a fitness membership-

Goal One- One meal is Salad- (Costco has great salad)
Goal two- Treadmill sucks and kills my knee but walk on it-
Goal three - use weight and fitness ball-

Under 300 by May- It will be May soon and the snow isn't leaving anytime soon-

Jillian Michaels- The Fitness Queen-

Monday, February 1, 2010

Weight is down

Lets start of the week with the good news!! Weight is down some not much- I was 335 to 339 last week, I'm 330 to 335 right now so that is good- Reason why? Didn't buy any small treats last week.


May be under 300
July under 280

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Words Part 2

"All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers." - Orison Swett Marden

"When you enter the gym to train your body, picture yourself getting into a fight. You cannot lose focus of your opponent. When training the opponent is yourself. Every round counts, every set counts. In a fight you cannot afford to give up the last 30 seconds. The same is true for the last 3 repetitions." Andre Begin

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Toast- Butter
3 low carb energy drinks
Ham fried rice
2 english muffin with peanut Butter

Didn't eat alot today for me and its 10 pm and I could eat a pizza or two-


“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter for physical training… What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” — Socrates, Greek Philosopher

I can go for miles if you know what i mean- Pink

Teachers dated me Parents hated me- Pink

Monday, January 25, 2010

The goal!

Run three 5k by July and be at 299- Under 300 pounds- I have been there before and its a grazy drug that drive me in a postive outlook.

Sorry for the little posts!

Its been one of those weeks! Most people would say it drove them back to drinking. Since I have never really drank in term of alcohol. I can't say that. However after two computer had problems and the furnace I found my self at a local Kum & Go almost shaking wanting a Mountain Dew. One bottle can't kill me, RIGHT?? Well it might with my weight being pushed at 330 my back bringing me to my knees at times and a winter that has me going cabin fever it might. I wanted a DEW so bad I was sweating- For people not from Iowa it was 16 degrees that day. It was a huge battle that a low carb monster won. I can say no to monster drink. Well only because more then three cans a day you can feel your heart about to go BOOM.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The effect of Low Carb Drinks

I have done great the last four months with out POP, not just regular pop but even diet. I have been a 3 can a day for energy drinks. I Love Blue (Low Carb) Monster- But at times have wen t with cheaper drinks. This week I had 1 can in two days, using caffeine pills to help with the fix. Something funny happen, my craving and hungry skyrocketed. I gain 2 pounds with trying to avoid these drinks. I might have to just get back on the Energy drink band wagon- Please not I only drink low carb or sugar free. I can stand the sugar in regular drinks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Looking to much at a scale can screw up your plans

I went to the Doctor today- Being a fat man, often equals a bad back or back issues- Its funny when you tell the doctor your having small back spasms doctor puts her had on your back and says" WOW you could break a board on that spasm  , how are you even walking"
But that was the reason for this post, I have told the world that I weight 335 last week and was down around 329 to 331. So I was thinking positive about that.  Still knowing that Its a huge road and I really need to lose 100 pounds to be a better me and live life better.  At the doctor there scale gave me a totally different number. In BIG Number that hit me like a brick wall. 345.

Wow, so is my scale off 15 pounds? Was last week I 350? Rather then 335- I need to stop thinking so much about the scale, or do I. 300 is overweight and a cry for help 350 is at risk to not seeing my 50th birthday party-

Thursday, January 7, 2010

check Out

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Scale moved for the better-

330- Big hill left but one step down at a time-